Fictional location — Fictional locations are places that exist only in fiction and not in reality. Writers may create and describe such places to serve as backdrop for their fictional works. Fictional locations are also created for use as settings in Role playing… … Wikipedia
Fictional country — A fictional country is a country that is made up for fictional stories, and does not exist in real life. Fictional lands appear most commonly as settings or subjects of literature, movies, or video games. They may also be used for technical… … Wikipedia
Fictional universe — A fictional universe is a self consistent fictional setting with unique background elements such as an imaginary history or geography, and possibly fantasy or science fiction concepts like magic or faster than light travel. A fictional universe… … Wikipedia
Geography of the BattleTech universe — The World of BattleTech spans many worlds, cities, and locations.Political entitiesCapellan MarchIn the fictional setting of the BattleTech universe, the Capellan March is an administrative subdivision of the Federated Suns. Originally one of… … Wikipedia
Geography of Xanth — Xanth is a fictional universe created by author Piers Anthony. It is a magical land most often described as being shaped like the state of Florida. The geography of Xanth is, therefore, very similar to that of Florida. As is typical with the… … Wikipedia
Geography of Pirates of the Caribbean — Isla de Muerta redirects here. For other uses, see Isla Muerta. This is a complete list of islands and other locations in the Pirates of the Caribbean films series. Some locations in the series of films are real, others are fictional. Isla de… … Wikipedia
Fictional island nations — This is a list of fictional countries in various media which are said to be located upon islands.Antarctic*Tsalal: an island in the novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan Poe and its sequel An Antarctic Mystery by Jules Verne not … Wikipedia
Fictional locations in Thomas and Friends — There are many fictional locations in Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, the television series based on The Railway Series of children s books by the Rev. W. Awdry and his son Christopher. They are all located on the Island of Sodor.The Island… … Wikipedia
Discworld geography — Überwald redirects here. For the area in Hessen, Germany, see Überwald (Bergstraße). The Discworld Mapp by Stephen Player (Dutch version) This article concerns the fictional geography of Terry Pratchett s Discworld, featured in the novel series… … Wikipedia
List of fictional locations — * Alternate history * Campaign setting * Counterfactual history * Fantasy world * * List of fictional city states * Fictional islands * Fictional company * Fictional counties * Fictional country * Fictional schools ** List of fictional Cambridge… … Wikipedia