Bert Vogelstein

Bert Vogelstein

Bert Vogelstein (born 1949) is a noted cancer researcher at The Johns Hopkins University. His first degree was in mathematics graduating summa cum laude in 1970 from the University of Pennsylvania. His interest was more in medicine and he received his M.D. from The Johns Hopkins University four years later. He was subsequently a resident in pediatrics at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. He has received the Gairdner Foundation International Award, Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University in 1998, Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, and other awards for his research. His recent work has often concerned oncogenes. His observation that colon cancer progresses from benign polyps to malignant cancers has revolutionized screening for colon cancer by colonoscopy.

Bert lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his wife Ilene, and has three children - R. Jacob, Joshua and Ahava. He grew up in Pikesville, Maryland, a northwestern suburb of Baltimore. He attended Pikesville High School.


* "I couldn't tell them anything about their daughter's disease. I couldn't tell them what had caused it or why. I could offer some encouraging words about therapies that may potentially help, but what they really wanted to know was why."
* "Anyone who likes to play with toys has got to like science, they are the world's best toys."

External links

* [ The Official Site of Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize]
* [ Howard Hughes Medical Institute]
* [ Science watch interview]
* [ Medical news site]

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