- Pentax LX
The Pentax LX was a 35 mm
Single-lens reflex camera produced byPentax ofJapan between 1980 and 2001. Thelens mount was aPentax K mount , allowing the use of almost all Pentax 35 mm format lenses. It was the top-of-the-line "professional" camera in the Pentax manual focus range. Compared to contemporary professional bodies from most rival manufacturers, such as theCanon F-1 orNikon F3 , the LX body was much smaller and lighter. Olympus's OM-2, however, was lighter still.As expected for a professional grade body at the time, the LX was a largely mechanical camera which permitted all-manual operation without batteries. Construction was strong and durable, with a solid metal frame and metal plates. The
viewfinder andfocusing screen were interchangeable. The camera supportedmirror lockup , multiple exposures, anddepth of field preview. All buttons and dials were weather and dust sealed. Both awinder andmotor drive were available, and a full complement of other professional accessories.The LX had excellent low-light performance using dynamic, off-the-film-plane TTL metering. Pre-release exposure information is obtained from light reflected from a patterned shutter curtain back to the sensor. This exposure metering makes the camera excellent for available light photography. TTL flash control is also available using Pentax dedicated units. Exposure control is by manual or
aperture priority automatic. All the shutter speeds above theX-sync speed of 1/75 second are available without anybattery power .Over the years there is a tendency for the mirror to stick when the shutter is released if the camera has been not been used for a while. Fortunately, this can be repaired easily enough during a camera service.
Currently the LX is still in demand used because off-the-film metering technology allows accurate long duration exposures. Servicing is important since the "ASA volume resistor assembly" is a common replacement part during service. Proper service requires reassembly using liquid sealant on the top/bottom plates and elsewhere.
* Dimitrov, Bojidar (2002). " [http://bdimitrov.de/kmp/bodies/LX/LX_old.html LX (early version)] ". [http://bdimitrov.de/kmp/ Bojidar Dimitrov's Pentax K-Mount Equipment Page] , retrieved on
December 26 ,2005 .
* Dimitrov, Bojidar (2002). " [http://bdimitrov.de/kmp/bodies/LX/LX_new.html LX (late version)] ". [http://bdimitrov.de/kmp/ Bojidar Dimitrov's Pentax K-Mount Equipment Page] , retrieved onDecember 26 ,2005 .
* cite book
title = Pentax LX Operating Manual
author = Asahi Optical Co. Ltd.
url = http://www.pentaximaging.com/files/manual/LX.pdf
year = 1980External links
Pentax LX Factory service. [http://www.pentaximaging.com/customer_care/pentax_service/product_repairs/index.jsp]
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