- Generalized Fourier series
mathematical analysis , many generalizations ofFourier series have proved to be useful.They are all special cases of decompositions over anorthonormal basis of aninner product space .Here we consider that ofsquare-integrable functions defined on aninterval of thereal line ,which is important, among others, forinterpolation theory.Definition
Consider a set of
square-integrable functions with values in F=C or R,:Phi = {varphi_n: [a,b] ightarrow F}_{n=0}^infty,
which are pairwise
orthogonal for theinner product :langle f, g angle_w = int_a^b f(x),overline{g}(x),w(x),dx
where "w"("x") is a
weight function , and overlinecdot representscomplex conjugation , i.e. overline{g}(x)=g(x) for F=R.The generalized Fourier series of a
square-integrable function "f": ["a", "b"] → F,with respect to Φ, is then:f(x) sim sum_{n=0}^infty c_nvarphi_n(x),
where the coefficients are given by
:c_n = {langle f, varphi_n angle_wover |varphi_n|_w^2}.
If Φ is a complete set, i.e., an
orthonormal basis of the space of all square-integrable functions on ["a", "b"] , as opposed to a smaller orthonormal set,the relation sim becomes equality in the "L²" sense, more precisely modulo |·|"w" (not necessarily pointwise, noralmost everywhere ).Example (Fourier-Legendre series)
Legendre polynomials are solutions to the Sturm-Liouville problem: left((1-x^2)P_n'(x) ight)'+n(n+1)P_n(x)=0
and because of the theory, these polynomials are eigenfunctions of the problem and are solutions orthogonal with respect to the inner product above with unit weight. So we can form a generalized Fourier series (known as a Fourier-Legendre series) involving the Legendre polynomials, and
:f(x) sim sum_{n=0}^infty c_nvarphi_n(x),
:c_n = {langle f, P_n angle_wover |P_n|_w^2}
As an example, let us calculate the Fourier-Legendre series for "f"("x")=cos "x" over [−1,1] . Now,
:c_0 = sin{1} = {int_{-1}^1 cos{x} over int_{-1}^1 (1)^2}:c_1 = 0 = {int_{-1}^1 x cos{x} over int_{-1}^1 x^2} = {0 over 2/3 }:c_2 = {5 over 6} (6 cos{1} - 4sin{1}) = {int_{-1}^1 {3x^2 - 1 over 2} cos{x} over int_{-1}^1 {9x^4-6x^2+1 over 4 = {6 cos{1} - 4sin{1} over 2/5 }
and a series involving these terms
:c_2P_2(x)+c_1P_1(x)+c_0P_0(x)= {5 over 6} (6 cos{1} - 4sin{1})left({3x^2 - 1 over 2} ight) + sin{1}(1):45 over 2} cos{1} - 15 sin{1})x^2+6 sin{1} - {15 over 2}cos{1}
which differs from cos "x" by approximately 0.003, about 0. It may be advantageous to use such Fourier-Legendre series since the eigenfunctions are all polynomials and hence the integrals and thus the coefficients are easier to calculate.
Coefficient theorems
Some theorems on the coefficients "c""n" include:
Bessel's inequality
:sum_{n=0}^infty |c_n|^2leqint_a^b|f(x)|^2,dx.
Parseval's theorem
If Φ is a complete set,
:sum_{n=0}^infty |c_n|^2 = int_a^b|f(x)|^2, dx.
ee also
orthonormal basis
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