SIMH is a highly portable, multi-system emulator which runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OpenVMS, and other operating systems. It is maintained by Bob Supnik, a former DEC engineer & DEC vice president and has been in development in one form or another since the 1960s.


The Origin of SIMH

SIMH was based on a much older systems emulator called MIMIC, which was written in the late 1960s at Applied Data Research. []

SIMH on the PC

SIMH was started in 1993 with the purpose of preserving minicomputer hardware and software which was fading into obscurity. []

Emulated Hardware

SIMH emulates the following hardware from the following companies.

Data General

* Nova
* Eclipse

Digital Equipment Corporation

* PDP-1
* PDP-4
* PDP-7
* PDP-8
* PDP-9
* PDP-10
* PDP-11
* PDP-15

GRI Corporation

* GRI-909


* 1401
* 1620
* 1130
* 7090/7094
* System/3


* 16-bit series
* 32-bit series


* 2116
* 2100
* 21MX


* H316
* H516


* Altair 8800 both Intel 8080 and Zilog Z80 versions


* LGP-30
* LGP-21

Scientific Data Systems

* SDS 940


[ "Preserving Computing's Past: Restoration and Simulation"] Max Burnet and Bob Supnik, Digital Technical Journal, Volume 8, Number 3, 1996.

External links

* [ SIMH web page]
* [ Running VAX/VMS Under Linux Using SIMH]
* [ OpenBSD/vax on SIMH]
* [ Debian Package]
* [ FreeBSD Port]
* [ An operating system lecture based on SIMH]

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