Sum of normally distributed random variables

Sum of normally distributed random variables

In probability theory, if "X" and "Y" are independent random variables that are normally distributed, then "X" + "Y" is also normally distributed; i.e. if

:X sim N(mu, sigma^2),


:Y sim N( u, au^2),

and "X" and "Y" are independent, then

:Z = X + Y sim N(mu + u, sigma^2 + au^2).,


This proposition may be proved by any of several methods.

Proof using convolutions

By the total probability theorem, we have the probability density function of "z"

:f_Z(z) = iint_{x,y} f_{X,Y,Z}(x,y,z), dx,dy

and since "X" and "Y" are independent, we get

:, f_Z(z) = iint_{x,y} f_X(x) f_Y(y) f_Z(z|x,y), dx,dy.

But ƒ"Z"("z"|"x,y") is trivially equal to "δ"("z" − ("x" + "y")), so

:f_Z(z) = iint_{x,y} f_X(x) f_Y(y) delta(z - (x+y)), dx,dy

where "δ" is Dirac's delta function. We substitute ("z" − "x") for "y":

:f_Z(z) = int_{x} f_X(x) f_Y(z-x), dx

which we recognize as a convolution of ƒ"X" with ƒ"Y".

Therefore the probability density function of the sum of two independent random variables "X" and "Y" with probability density functions ƒ and "g" is the convolution

:(f*g)(x)=int_{-infty}^infty f(u) g(x-u),du.,

No generality is lost by assuming the two expected values μ and ν are zero. Thus the two densities are

:f(x) = {1 over sigmasqrt{2pi expleft({-x^2 over 2sigma^2} ight) ext{ and }g(x) = {1 over ausqrt{2pi expleft({-x^2 over 2 au^2} ight).

The convolution is

:: [mathrm{constant}] cdotint_{-infty}^infty expleft({-u^2 over 2sigma^2} ight) expleft({-(x-u)^2 over 2 au^2} ight),du

:= [mathrm{constant}] cdotint_{-infty}^infty expleft({-( au^2 u^2 + sigma^2(x-u)^2) over 2sigma^2 au^2} ight),du.

In simplifying this expression it saves some effort to recall this obvious fact that the context might later make easy to forget: The integral

:int_{-infty}^infty exp(-(u-A)^2),du

actually does not depend on "A". This is seen be a simple substitution: "w" = "u" − "A", "dw" = "du", and the bounds of integration remain −∞ and +∞.

Now we have

: egin{align}& {} qquad [mathrm{constant}] cdotint_{-infty}^infty expleft({-( au^2 u^2 + sigma^2(x-u)^2) over 2sigma^2 au^2} ight),du \& = [mathrm{constant}] cdotint_{-infty}^infty expleft({-( au^2+sigma^2)(u-{sigma^2 over sigma^2+ au^2}x)^2 over 2sigma^2 au^2} + {-x^2 over 2(sigma^2 + au^2)} ight) ,du \& = [mathrm{constant}] cdot expleft({-x^2 over 2(sigma^2 + au^2)} ight) cdot int_{-infty}^infty expleft({-( au^2+sigma^2)(u-{sigma^2 over sigma^2+ au^2}x)^2 over 2sigma^2 au^2} ight) ,du \& = [mathrm{constant}] cdot expleft({-x^2 over 2(sigma^2 + au^2)} ight) cdot [mathrm{constant}] ,end{align}

where "constant" in this context means not depending on "x". The last integral does not depend on "x" because of the "obvious fact" mentioned above.

A probability density function that is a constant multiple of

:expleft({-x^2 over 2(sigma^2 + au^2)} ight)

is the density of a normal distribution with variance σ2 + τ2. Although we did not explicitly develop the constant in this derivation, this is indeed the case.

Proof using characteristic functions

The characteristic function

:varphi_{X+Y}(t) = operatorname{E}left(e^{it(X+Y)} ight),

of the sum of two independent random variables "X" and "Y" is just the product of the two separate characteristic functions:

:varphi_X (t) = operatorname{E}left(e^{itX} ight),


:varphi_Y(t) = operatorname{E}left(e^{itY} ight),

of "X" and "Y".

The characteristic function of the normal distribution with expected value μ and variance σ2 is

:varphi_X(t) = expleft(itmu - {sigma^2 t^2 over 2} ight).


::varphi_{X+Y}(t)=varphi_X(t) varphi_Y(t)=expleft(itmu - {sigma^2 t^2 over 2} ight)cdot expleft(it u - { au^2 t^2 over 2} ight)

:=expleft(it(mu+ u) - {(sigma^2 + au^2) t^2 over 2} ight).

This is the characteristic function of the normal distribution with expected value μ + ν and variance σ2 + τ2.

Finally, recall that no two distinct distributions can both have the same characteristic function, so the distribution of "X" + "Y" must be just this normal distribution.

Correlated random variables

In the event that the variables "X" and "Y" are jointly normally distributed random variables, then "X" + "Y" is still normally distributed (see Multivariate normal distribution). In this case, one needs to consider

:frac{1}{2 pi sigma_x sigma_y sqrt{1- ho^2 iint_{x,y} exp left [ -frac{1}{2(1- ho^2)} left(frac{x^2}{sigma_x^2} + frac{y^2}{sigma_y^2} - frac{2 ho x y}{sigma_xsigma_y} ight) ight] delta(z - (x+y)), dx,dy.

As above, one makes the substitution y ightarrow z-x

This integral is more complicated to simplify analytically, but can be done easily using a symbolic mathematics program. The probability distribution "ƒ""Z"("z") is given in this case by

:f_Z(z)=expleft(-frac{z^2}{2(sigma_x^2+sigma_y^2+2 hosigma_x sigma_y)} ight) dz

If one considers instead "Z" = "X" − "Y", then one obtains :f_Z(z)=expleft(-frac{z^2}{2(sigma_x^2+sigma_y^2-2 hosigma_x sigma_y)} ight) dz

The standard deviations of each distribution are obvious by comparison with the standard normal distribution.

ee also

:*List of convolutions of probability distributions

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