Beam stack search

Beam stack search

Beam stack search is a search algorithm which integrates backtracking with beam search.

It was recently proposed by Rong Zhou and Eric A. Hansen, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University during the 15th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling in Monterey, California.

It could be described as a method for transforming beam search into a complete search algorithm that is guaranteed to find an optimal solution. It uses a new data structure, called a beam stack, that makes it possible to integrate systematic backtracking with beam search.

The resulting search algorithm is an anytime algorithm that finds a good, sub-optimal solution quickly, like beam search, then backtracks and continues to find improved solutions until convergence to an optimal solution.

In most respects, the divide and conquer algorithm technique can be combined with beam-stack search in the same way as with beam search, creating an algorithm called divide-and-conquer beam-stack search.

External links

* [ Zhou and Hansen's original paper]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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