- Lorsch codex
Codex Aureus of Lorsch , a Gospel book, is sometimes also called the Lorsch Codex."The Lorsch Codex (Chronicon Laureshamense, Lorscher Codex, Codex Laureshamensis) is an important historical document created between about 1175 to 1195 A.D. in the Monastery of Saint Nazarius inLorsch , Germany. It consists of 460 pages in large format containing more than 3800 entries. It is important because it details the gifts given to the monastery and the possessions belonging to it, which thus gives some of the first mention of cities of theMiddle Ages in centralGermany , and in particular in theRhein-Neckar region. Over one thousand places are named.No original of the Lorsch codex is known; however, the
Bavaria n StateArchive is where the codex is housed today. The codex as it exists now is handwritten inCarolingian minuscule , and there is an illuminated drop capital – a huge "D" – on the first page.Literature
*"Codex Laureshamensis. Das Urkundenbuch des ehemaligen Reichsklosters Lorch", Neustadt/Aisch 2003 (Bavarian State Archive 1 special publication) ISBN 3-921635-71-3 facsimile edition
*Karl Josef Minst: "Lorscher Codex deutsch. Urkundenbuch der ehemaligen Fürstabtei Lorsch", 5 Bde., Lorsch 1966/72 Lorsch (translation)
*Karl Glöckner: "Codex Laureshamensis", Darmstadt 1929-1936, reprint 1963 (definitive edition) [http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/COLLECTION_V01?objid=18716 Online as facsimile] at ALOee also
History of Germany
*High Middle Ages
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