- Wiktor Michałowski
Wiktor Michałowski (died
1973 ) was a Polish Army officer who worked at theinterbellum Polish Cipher Bureau's German section, "B.S.-4". Reportedly he participated, as a lieutenant, in the initial, unsuccessful Polish attempts to break the German Enigmacipher , along with then-Lt.Maksymilian Ciężki and civilian civil engineerAntoni Palluth .From
1936 Captain Michałowski was an Enigma-intelligence contact of MajorJan Leśniak of the Polish General Staff's German Office.After Germany invaded Poland in September
1939 , then-Major Michałowski made his way toFrance , where he became part ofPC Bruno 's Polish "Team Z", which broke German ciphers, including Enigma. After France's capitulation to Germany in June1940 , he served with his Polish cryptologist comrades at Polish intelligence "Station 300" (French codename: "Cadix") nearUzès in southern,Vichy France 's "Free Zone."After Germany occupied Vichy France in November
1942 , Major Michałowski escaped to Britain.He died in 1973.
Władysław Kozaczuk , "Enigma: How the German Machine Cipher Was Broken, and How It Was Read by the Allies in World War Two", edited and translated byChristopher Kasparek , Frederick, MD, University Publications of America,1984 , pp. 58, 65, 82, 220.
*Tessa Stirling "et al.", eds., "Intelligence Co-operation between Poland and Great Britain during World War II", vol. I: the Report of the Anglo-Polish Historical Committee, London, Vallentine Mitchell,2005 , pp. 259, 443.
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