- Franklin Leonard Pope
Franklin Leonard Pope (
2 December 1840 –13 October 1895 ) was an American engineer, explorer, and inventor.Biography
He was born in
Great Barrington, Massachusetts , the son of Ebenezer Pope and Electra Wainwright. He was a telegrapher, electrical engineer, explorer,inventor , andpatent attorney .He was also a major contributor to the technological advances of the 19th century ( [http://www.telegraph-history.org/pope/] ). He was one of the leaders of the explorations related to the Collins Overland Telegraph, otherwise known as the
Russian American Telegraph ( [http://www.telegraphtrail.org/history/section07.htm] ).Pope was a mentor of
Thomas Edison Fact|date=August 2007.He married Sarah Amelia Dickinson on
6 August 1873 , and they had three children, two daughters and a son.He died as a result of an accidental electrocution in the basement of his home in Great Barrington, aged 54.
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.