- Binary icosahedral group
mathematics , the binary icosahedral group is an extension of theicosahedral group "I" of order 60 by acyclic group of order 2. It can be defined as thepreimage of the icosahedral group under the 2:1covering homomorphism :mathrm{Sp}(1) o mathrm{SO}(3).,whereSp(1) is the multiplicative group of unitquaternion s. (For a description of this homomorphism see the article onquaternions and spatial rotation s.) It follows that the binary icosahedral group isdiscrete subgroup of Sp(1) of order 120.It should not be confused with the full icosahedral group, which is a different group of order 120.
Explicitly, the binary icosahedral group is given as the union of the 24
Hurwitz unit s:{±1, ±"i", ±"j", ±"k", ½(±1 ± "i" ± "j" ± "k")}with all 96 quaternions obtained from:½(0 ± "i" ± φ−1"j" ± φ"k")by aneven permutation of coordinates (all possible sign combinations). Here φ = ½(1+√5) is thegolden ratio .All told there are 120 elements. They all have absolute value 1 and therefore lie in the unit quaternion group Sp(1). The
convex hull of these 120 elements in 4-dimensional space form aconvex regular 4-polytope called the600-cell .Properties
Central extension
The binary icosahedral group, denoted by 2"I", is the
universal perfect central extension of the icosahedral group, and thus isquasisimple : it is a perfect central extension of a simple group.Explicitly, it fits into the
short exact sequence :1 o{pm 1} o 2I o I o 1.,This sequence does not split, meaning that 2"I" is "not" asemidirect product of {±1} by "I". In fact, there is no subgroup of 2"I" isomorphic to "I".The center of 2"I" is the subgroup {±1}, so that the
inner automorphism group is isomorphic to "I". The fullautomorphism group is isomorphic to "S"5 (thesymmetric group on 5 letters).The binary icosahedral group is perfect, meaning that it is equal to its
commutator subgroup . In fact, 2"I" is the unique perfect group of order 120. It follows that 2"I" is not solvable.Isomorphisms
One can show that the binary icosahedral group is isomorphic to the
special linear group SL(2,5) — the group of all 2×2 matrices over thefinite field F5 with unit determinant; this covers the exceptional isomorphism of Icong A_5 with theprojective special linear group PSL(2,5).Presentation
The group 2"I" has a presentation given by:langle r,s,t mid r^2 = s^3 = t^5 = rst angleor equivalently,:langle s,t mid (st)^2 = s^3 = t^5 angle.Generators with these relations are given by:s = frac{1}{2}(1+i+j+k) qquad t = frac{1}{2}(varphi+varphi^{-1}i+j).
The only proper
normal subgroup of 2"I" is the center {±1}.By the
third isomorphism theorem , there is aGalois connection between subgroups of 2"I" and subgroups of "I", where theclosure operator on subgroups of 2"I" is multiplication by {±1}.1 is the only element of order 2, hence it is contained in all subgroups of even order: thus every subgroup of 2"I" is either of odd order or is the preimage of a subgroup of "I".Besides the
cyclic group s generated by the various elements (which can have odd order), the only other subgroups of 2"I" (up to conjugation) are:
*binary dihedral group s of orders 12 and 20 (covering the dihedral groups "D"3 and "D"5 in "I").
* Thequaternion group consisting of the 8Lipschitz unit s forms a subgroup of index 15, which is also thedicyclic group Dic2; this covers the stabilizer of an edge.
* The 24Hurwitz unit s form an index 5 subgroup called thebinary tetrahedral group ; this covers a chiraltetrahedral group . This group isself-normalizing so itsconjugacy class has 5 members (this gives a map 2I o S_5 whose image is A_5).Relation to 4-dimensional symmetry groups
The 4-dimensional analog of the icosahedral group is the symmetry group of the
600-cell (also that of the120-cell ). This is theCoxeter group of type "H"4, also denoted [3,3,5] . The rotation subgroup, denoted [3,3,5] + is a group of order 7200 living inSO(4) . SO(4) has a double cover called Spin(4) in much the same way that Sp(1) is the double cover of SO(3). The group Spin(4) is isomorphic to Sp(1)×Sp(1).The preimage of [3,3,5] + in Spin(4) is precisely the product group 2"I"×2"I" of order 14400. The rotational symmetry group of the 600-cell is then: [3,3,5] + = 2"I"×2"I"/{±1}.
Various other 4-dimensional symmetry groups can be constructed from 2"I". For details, see (Conway and Smith, 2003).
coset space Sp(1)/2"I" is aspherical 3-manifold called thePoincaré homology sphere . It is an example of ahomology sphere , i.e. a 3-manifold whosehomology group s are identical to those of a3-sphere . Thefundamental group of the Poincaré sphere is isomorphic to the binary icosahedral group.ee also
binary polyhedral group
*binary cyclic group
*binary dihedral group
*binary tetrahedral group
*binary octahedral group References
*cite book | first = John H. | last = Conway | coauthors = Smith, Derek A. | authorlink = John Horton Conway | title = On Quaternions and Octonions | publisher = AK Peters, Ltd | location = Natick, Massachusetts | year = 2003 | isbn = 1-56881-134-9
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