- Spinor field
particle physics , aspinor field of order 2s describes a particle of spin s, where s is an integer or half-integer. Therefore, aspinor of order 4s contains as much information as atensor of order 2s. As a result of this, particles of integer spin (bosons ) can be described equally well bytensor field s or spinor fields, whereas particles of half-integer spin (fermions ) can be described only by spinor fields.Zero rest mass equation
Spinor fields describing particles of zero
rest mass satisfy the so-called zero rest mass equation. Examples of zero rest mass particles include theneutrino (a fermion) and thegauge bosons (as long as gauge symmetry is not violated) such as thephoton .If phi^{AB...E} is the spinor field describing a particle of spin s (where upper case Latin indices are spinor indices which can take the values 0 and 1), then it is symmetric and has 2s indices. If the particle is also of zero rest mass, then phi^{AB...E} satisfies the zero rest mass equation
Here, in a
Lorentz transformation , primed spinors transform under the conjugate of the transformation for unprimed ones,Einstein summation is used throughout, and nabla denotes the spinor, which is equivalent to the Levi-Civita connection onMinkowski space .phi has one index for the neutrino, two for the photon, and four for the graviton. For the photon, the equation obtained states the vanishing of the divergence of the field strength tensor. For the graviton, it gives the
Bianchi identity for a linearizedWeyl tensor .References
* Said, Salem. "Spinor Field." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpinorField.html
* Said, Salem. "Zero Rest Mass Equation." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ZeroRestMassEquation.html
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