Heruka Buddhist Centre

Heruka Buddhist Centre

Heruka Buddhist Centre is the main New Kadampa Tradition Buddhist Centre for North & Central London. It was founded in 1990 aiming "to provide a venue for Kadampa teachings (means Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's teachings) in the London region." Roughly 20 students live and study at the Heruka Centre. In addition the main meditation room, the Centre contains a small library and a shop that offers books of Kelsang Gyatso, CDs, and artwork, and gifts.

The Centre organises weekly meditation classes at 26 venues in and around London. The classes feature guided meditations, basic Buddhist teachings, and question-and-answer sessions. John McBretney serves as the Resident Teacher for the Centre, and is responsible for teaching the main weekly classes taught at the Centre.

Heruka Centre also runs special weekend courses on a regular basis. These courses take a closer look at particular aspects of Buddhism and meditation. In addition, the centre offers study programmes for the in-depth study of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's texts, and regular meditation retreats. Pujas or chanted meditations are also regularly held at the Centre.

Heruka Buddhist Centre is a member of the New Kadampa Tradition, which is comprised of over 1000 Centres and classes around the globe.

External links

* [http://www.meditateinlondon.org.uk Heruka Buddhist Centre website] www.meditateinlondon.org.uk
* [http://www.kadampa.org New Kadampa Tradition's website] www.kadampa.org

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