Arcade (architecture)

Arcade (architecture)

An arcade is a passage or walkway covered over by a succession of arches or vaults supported by columns. In a gothic cathedral the arcade is the lowest part of the wall of the nave, supporting the triforium and the clerestory.

Notable arcades

* Burlington Arcade, London
* Cardiff city arcades, Cardiff
* Cleveland Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio
* Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert in Brussels
* Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan
* Galleria Subalpina, Turin
* Galleria Umberto I, Naples
* Westminster Arcade, Providence, Rhode Island
* Real Monasterio de Nuestra Senora de Rueda, Aragon Autonomous Community, Spain
* The Arcade, Redhill, Surrey, England
* Royal Arcade, Melbourne, Australia
* Block Arcade, Melbourne, Australia
* Paddock Arcade, Watertown, New York
* Royal Arcade, Norwich, England
* The Strand Arcade Sydney N.S.W., Australia
* The Passage St. Petersburg, Russia
* Victoria Quarter, Leeds

Websites About Arcades

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