

3DMark is a computer benchmark by Futuremark Corporation (formerly MadOnion, formerly Futuremark) to determine the DirectX performance of graphics cards.

The measurement unit 3DMark is intended to give a normalized mean for comparing different graphics processing units, which proponents assert is indicative of end-user performance capabilities. Critics counter by stating that it is a synthetic measure not relevant to real-world performance.

Before 3DMark, MadOnion created a simpler 3D benchmark, which played only a DirectX7 demo sequence at 640x480, with no extra tests. It was called "XL-R8R".

Discontinued versions

The number in the title corresponds with the year that the features it was designed to benchmark would be available on graphics cards released publicly. Typically each version was made and released some months in advance of the start of its title year. Scores for each subsequent version will be lower, as each new version measures new and innovative developments in the graphics field, such as DirectX enhancements like Shader Model 3.0.

3DMark 99

Released on October 26th 1998, 3DMark 99 is the first generation 3DMark and the world's first 3D benchmark that is aimed directly at the 3D gaming community. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20408/|title=Futuremark Corporation Releases 3DMark™ 99 - The Gamers' Benchmark|date=1998-10-26|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]

3DMark 99 MAX

Released on March 8th 1999, 3DMark 99 MAX is a content update to 3DMark 99. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20415/|title=Futuremark Corporation Releases 3DMark™ 99 MAX|date=1999-03-08|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]


Released on December 6th 1999, 3DMark2000 is the second generation 3DMark. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20410/|title=MadOnion.com Releases 3DMark™2000|date=1999-12-06|work=MadOnion.com|accessdate=2008-05-24]


Released on March 13th 2001, 3DMark2001 is the third generation 3DMark and the first 3D benchmark that supports DirectX 8. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20414/|title=MadOnion.com Releases 3DMark2001|date=2001-03-13|work=MadOnion.com|accessdate=2008-05-24]

3DMark2001 SE

Released on February 12th 2002, 3DMark2001 Second Edition is a major enhancement to the third generation 3DMark2001. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20394/|title=MadOnion.com™ Releases 3DMark®2001 Second Edition|date=2002-02-12|work=MadOnion.com|accessdate=2008-05-24]

Current versions


Released on February 11, 2003, 3DMark03 is the fourth generation 3DMark. It is the first version that supports Microsoft DirectX 9.0 and introduces several new features. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20386/|title=3DMark®03 Released|date=2003-02-11|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]


Released on September 29, 2004, 3DMark05 is the fifth generation 3DMark. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20402/|title=Futuremark Unveils 3DMark®05|date=2004-09-29|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]


Infobox Software
name = 3DMark06

caption =
collapsible =
developer = Futuremark Corporation
released = January 18, 2006
latest release version = Build 1.1.0
latest release date = November 29, 2007
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
frequently updated =
operating system = Windows XP, Windows Vista
platform =
size = 580 MB
language =
status =
genre =
license =
website = [http://www.futuremark.com www.futuremark.com]
Released on January 18, 2006, 3DMark06 is the sixth generation 3DMark. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/20407/|title=Futuremark Overhauls "The Gamers' Benchmark" With 3DMark®06|date=2006-01-18|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24] It has the following features:

* HDR rendering.
* Complex HDR Video post-processing.
* Dynamic soft shadows for all objects.
* Water shader with HDR refraction, HDR reflection, depth fog and Gerstner wave functions.
* Heterogeneous fog.
* Atmospheric light scattering.
* Realistic sky model with cloud blending.
* Strauss lighting model for most materials.
* Subsurface scattering shader for some objects (not visible in the shot).
* Texture & normal map sizes: 1024 x 1024 to 2048 x 2048.
* Approximately 5.4 million triangles and 8.8 million vertices.

3DMark Vantage

Infobox Software
name = 3DMark Vantage

caption =
collapsible =
developer = Futuremark Corporation
released = April 28, 2008
latest release version = Build 1.0.1 [cite web|url=http://futuremark.yougamers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=81779|title=3DMark Vantage Hotfix (Build 1.0.1) Available|date=2008-05-22|work=Futuremark Corporation|publisher=YouGamers Forums|accessdate=2008-05-24]
latest release date = May 22, 2008
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
frequently updated =
operating system = Windows Vista with Service Pack 1
platform =
size = 450 MB
language =
status =
genre =
license =
website = [http://www.3dmark.com www.3dmark.com]
Futuremark released its latest product, 3DMark Vantage, on April 28, 2008. [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/52993/|title=Futuremark Launches 3DMark® Vantage|date=2008-04-28|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24] It requires DirectX 10, and therefore will only run under Windows Vista with Service Pack 1. Unlike previous versions, not even the basic version of 3DMark Vantage is free. The user is however allowed one single benchmark run, after that it is required to pay any of the fees ranging from US$7 for the basic version, up to $20 for the fully fledged one.

Futuremark made a special website about 3DMark Vantage, [http://www.3dmark.com/ 3DMark.com] . It currently contains four screenshots from work in progress and two Developer Diary parts. The second Developer Diary part shows 3DMark Vantage in motion.

3DMark and overclocking

3DMark is one of the programs used by gamers and overclocking enthusiasts worldwide for assessing and comparing their system's performance.


Futuremark also produces 3D benchmark software for mobile devices. Current versions include:

* 3DMarkMobile ES 2.0 [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkmobile/3dmarkmobilees20/|title=3DMarkMobile ES 2.0|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]
* 3DMarkMobile ES 1.1 [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkmobile/3dmarkmobilees11/|title=3DMarkMobile ES 1.1|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]
* 3DMarkMobile JSR 239 [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkmobile/3dmarkmobilejsr239/|title=3DMarkMobile JSR 239|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]
* 3DMarkMobile JSR 184 [cite web|url=http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkmobile/3dmarkmobilejsr184/|title=3DMarkMobile JSR 184|work=Futuremark Corporation|accessdate=2008-05-24]

ee also

* PCMark, a series of computer benchmark tools
* Futuremark, the company behind 3DMark and PCMark
* [https://sourceforge.net/projects/glmark GLMark] , benchmark for OpenGL


External links

* [http://www.futuremark.com Futuremark Corporation website]
* [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmark03/ 3DMark03] – [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmark03/screenshots/ screenshots]
* [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmark05/ 3DMark05] – [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmark05/screenshots/ screenshots]
* [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmark06/ 3DMark06] – [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmark06/screenshots/ screenshots]
* [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkvantage/ 3DMark Vantage] – [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkvantage/gallery/ screenshots]
* [http://www.futuremark.com/products/3dmarkmobile/ 3DMarkMobile products]

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