Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten

Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten

The Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten (English: Steel Helmet, League of Frontline Soldiers) was one of the many paramilitary organizations that arose after the defeat of World War I in the Weimar Republic.

The Stahlhelm was founded at the end of 1918 partly by Franz Seldte in the city of Magdeburg. Its journal, "Stahlhelm", was edited by Count Hans-Jürgen von Blumenthal, later hanged for his part in the July 20 plot. The organization was a rallying point for nationalistic and anti-Weimar elements. With 500,000 members in 1930, the Stahlhelm was the largest paramilitary organization of Weimar Germany.

In 1929 the Stahlhelm joined the Volksentscheid gegen den Young-Plan to demonstrate against the Young Plan. The Stahlhelm joined the DNVP, NSDAP and Alldeutscher Verband to form the Harzburger Front, which was a united right-wing front against the Weimar Republic.In 1934 the Stahlhelm was renamed "Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpferbund" (Federation of the National Socialist Frontline-Fighters) and integrated into the Sturmabteilung and, in 1935, it was dissolved by the Nazis, who feared its fundamentally monarchist character.

After 1945 and present time

In 1951 the "Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten" was re-created in Cologne. A year later, in 1952, even before his release from prison, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring was elected federal as leader of the neonazi association, ["Bund der Frontsoldaten' wahlt Kesselring zum Prasidenten", National Zeitung, 8 August 1952.] a post he kept till his death in 1960.

In Popular Culture

In Harry Turtledove's alternate-history series, Timeline-191, there is a Confederate Veterans organization called the "Tin Hats".

ee also

*Emanuel Schäfer (member from 1925 to 1928)
*Weimar paramilitary groups


External links

*De_icon [ DHM Museum Page]

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