

Menesaechmus (Greek: Mενεσαιχμος; lived during the 4th century BC), an Athenian and an inveterate enemy of the orator Lycurgus, by whom he was impeached on a charge of impiety and convicted. When Lycurgus felt his end drawing near (323 BC), he had himself brought into the council to give an account of his public conduct, and Menesaechmus was the only man who ventured to find fault with it. He continued his hostility to the sons of Lycurgus after their father's death, and so far succeeded in a prosecution against them, that they were delivered into the custody of the Eleven. They were released, however, on the remonstrance of Demosthenes.[1]



  1. ^ Pseudo-Plutarch, Moralia, "Lives of the Ten Orators", pp. 841-844; Photius, Bibliotheca, cod. 268; Suda, s.vv. "Lykourgos", "proerosiai"; Harpocration, Lexicon of the Ten Orators, s.vv. "Arkyoros", "Deliastai"

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).

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