American Society for Engineering Education

American Society for Engineering Education

The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is a non-profit member association, founded in 1893, dedicated to promoting and improving engineering and engineering technology education.

ASEE is more than 12,000 deans, professors, instructors, students and industry representatives.


The American Society for Engineering Education is a non-profit organization of individuals and institutions committed to furthering education in engineering and engineering technology. It accomplishes this mission by
* promoting excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice;
* fostering the technological education of society; and
* providing quality products and services to members.In pursuit of academic excellence, ASEE develops policies and programs that enhance professional opportunities for engineering faculty members, and promotes activities that support increased student enrollments in engineering and engineering technology colleges and universities. Strong communication and collaboration with national and international organizations further advances ASEEs mission.

ASEE also fulfills its mission by providing a valuable communication link among corporations, government agencies, and educational institutions. ASEEs organizational membership is composed of 400 engineering and engineering technology colleges and affiliates, more than 50 corporations, and numerous government agencies and professional associations. ASEE directs many of its efforts at providing for open and ongoing dialogues among these groups.

The 2007-08 president of ASEE is James Melsa, an electrical engineer and former Dean of the College of Engineering of Iowa State University.


ASEE produces many publications on the topic of engineering education, including "Prism", a popular monthly covering the pervasive role of engineering in the world, the "Journal of Engineering Education", a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to scholarly research in engineering education, and "Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges", the leading source of data on engineering colleges and universities.


Founded initially as the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education (SPEE) in 1893, the society was created at a time of great growth in American higher education. In 1862, Congress passed the Morrill Land-Grant Act, which provided money for states to establish public institutions of higher education. These institutions focused on providing practical skills, especiallyfor the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts.” As a result of increasingly available higher education, more Americans started entering the workforce with advanced training in applied fields of knowledge. However, they often lacked grounding in the science and engineering principles underlying this practical knowledge.

After a generation of students had passed through these new public universities, professors of engineering began to question whether they should adopt a more rigorous approach to teaching the fundamentals of their field. Ultimately, they concluded that engineering curricula should stress fundamental scientific and mathematical principles, not hands-on apprenticeship experiences. To organize support for this approach to engineering education, SPEE was formed in the midst of the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair. Known as the World's Columbian Exposition, this event heralded the promise of science and engineering by introducing many Americans, for example, to the wonders of electricity. Emerging out of the Fairs World Engineering Congress, SPEE members dedicated themselves to improving engineering education at the classroom level. Over its history, the society has put out several reports on the subject, such as the Mann Report (1907), the Wickenden Study (1920s), and the Grinter Report (1955).

During World War II, the federal government started to place more emphasis on research, prompting SPEE to form the Engineering College Research Association (ECRA), which was more concerned with research than SPEE had ever been. The ECRA spoke for most engineering researchers, sought federal funds, and collected and published information on academic engineering research. After the war, the desire to integrate the less research-oriented SPEE with the ECRA resulted in the disbanding of SPEE and the formation of ASEE in 1946.

ASEE was a volunteer-run organization through the 1950s. In 1961, ASEE established a staff headquarters in Washington, DC, and undertook a more activist posture. However, through the 1960s, the Vietnam War and social unrest in general made the mood on many campuses anti-technology, anti-business, and anti-establishment. In the 1960s and 1970s, ASEE presidents Merritt Williams and George Hawkins reorganized ASEE to better represent its members and return its focus to teaching. As a result of this new focus, ASEE began to administer several teaching-related government contracts, including NASAs summer faculty fellowships and the Defense Departments Civil Defense Summer Institutes and Fellowships. Currently, ASEE administers over ten government contracts, including the prestigious National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Another result of the renewed emphasis on teaching was ASEEs initiative for recruiting minorities and women into engineering. ASEE created the Black Engineering College Development program which used industry funding to upgrade engineering faculty in traditionally black colleges and to develop public information on these schools. ASEE also received several grants in the 1970s to research the status of women and American Indians and develop programs to attract more of these students to enter engineering. Since then, ASEE has continued to release studies on the subject in its Journal of Engineering Education, and has created divisions specifically devoted to developing programs and research in this area.

With the rise of Silicon Valley in the 1990s and the prospect of significant off-shoring of high-tech companiesactivities, the importance of engineering education to Americas continued success has finally made headlines. As a result, ASEE has seen a rise in membership and recognition over the recent years as a clearinghouse of information about engineering education and an important tool in shaping the future of the field.

Past Presidents

* 1893-1894 - De Volson Wood
* 1894-1895 - G.F. Swain
* 1895-1896 - M. Merriman
* 1896-1897 - H.T. Eddy
* 1897-1898 - J.B. Johnson
* 1898-1899 - T.C. Mendenhall
* 1899-1900 - I.O. Baker
* 1900-1901 - F.O. Marvin
* 1901-1902 - R. Fletcher
* 1902-1903 - C.M. Woodward
* 1903-1904 - C.F. Allen
* 1904-1905 - F.W. McNair
* 1905-1906 - C.L. Crandall
* 1906-1907 - Dugald C. Jackson
* 1907-1908 - C.S. Howe
* 1908-1909 - F.E. Turneaure
* 1909-1910 - H.S. Monroe
* 1910-1911 - A.N. Talbot
* 1911-1912 - W.G. Raymond
* 1912-1913 - W.T. Magruder
* 1913-1914 - G.C. Anthony
* 1914-1915 - A. Marston
* 1915-1916 - H.S. Jacoby
* 1916-1917 - G.R. Chatburn
* 1917-1918 - M.S. Ketchum
* 1918-1919 - J.F. Hayford
* 1919-1920 - A.M. Greene, Jr.
* 1920-1921 - M.E. Cooley
* 1921-1923 - C.F. Scott
* 1923-1924 - P.F. Walker
* 1924-1925 - A.A. Potter
* 1925-1926 - G.B. Pegram
* 1926-1927 - O.M. Leland
* 1927-1928 - R.L. Sackett
* 1928-1929 - D.S. Kimball
* 1929-1930 - R.I. Rees
* 1930-1931 - H.S. Boardman
* 1931-1932 - H.S. Evans
* 1932-1933 - R.A. Seaton
* 1933-1934 - William E. Wickenden
* 1934-1935 - C.C. WIlliams
* 1935-1936 - D.S. Anderson
* 1936-1937 - H.P. Hammond
* 1937-1938 - S.B. Earle
* 1938-1939 - Karl T. Compton
* 1939-1940 - O.J. Ferguson
* 1940-1941 - D.B. Prentice
* 1941-1942 - A.H. White
* 1942-1943 - H.T. Heald
* 1943-1944 - Robert E. Doherty
* 1944-1946 - H.S. Rogers
* 1946-1947 - H.O. Croft
* 1947-1948 - C.E. MacQuigg
* 1948-1949 - Clement J. Freund
* 1949-1950 - T. Saville
* 1950-1951 - F.M. Dawson
* 1951-1952 - S.C. Hollister
* 1952-1953 - W.R. Woolrich
* 1953-1954 - L.E. Grinter
* 1954-1955 - N.W. Dougherty
* 1955-1956 - M.M. Boring
* 1956-1957 - W.L. Everitt
* 1957-1958 - F.C. Lindvall
* 1958-1959 - W.T. Alexander
* 1959-1960 - B.R. Teare, Jr.
* 1960-1961 - E.A. Walker
* 1961-1962 - R.W. Van Houten
* 1962-1963 - G. Murphy
* 1963-1964 - K.F. Wendt
* 1964-1965 - E.C. Easton
* 1965-1966 - G.D. Lobingier
* 1966-1967 - Robert H. Roy
* 1967-1968 - M.R. Lohmann
* 1968-1969 - C.C. Chambers
* 1969-1970 - M.A. Williamson
* 1970-1971 - G.A. Hawkins
* 1971-1972 - H.A. Bolz
* 1972-1973 - Joseph M. Petit
* 1973-1974 - John C. Calhoun, Jr.
* 1974-1975 - C. Wandmacher
* 1975-1976 - Lee Harrisberger
* 1976-1977 - George Burnet
* 1977-1978 - Otis E. Lancaster
* 1978-1979 - J.J. Martin
* 1979-1980 - C.E. Schaffner
* 1980-1981 - Vincent S. Haneman, Jr.
* 1981-1982 - Daniel C. Drucker
* 1982-1983 - Joseph C. Hogan
* 1983-1984 - John C. Hancock
* 1984-1985 - Richard J. Ungrodt
* 1985-1986 - Robert N. Mills
* 1986-1987 - Edmund T. Cranch
* 1987-1988 - Robert H. Page
* 1988-1989 - Lawrence P. Grayson
* 1989-1990 - Anthony B. Giordano
* 1990-1991 - Curtis J. Tompkins
* 1991-1992 - Leighton E. Sissom
* 1992-1993 - J.Ray Bowen
* 1993-1994 - George E. Dieter
* 1994-1995 - Cary A. Fisher
* 1995-1996 - Eleanor Baum
* 1996-1997 - Winfred M. Phillips
* 1997-1998 - Lyle D. Feisel
* 1998-1999 - Ernest T. Smerdon
* 1999-2000 - John A. Weese
* 2000-2001 - Wallace T. Fowler
* 2001-2002 - Gerald S. Jakubowski
* 2002-2003 - Eugene M. DeLoatch
* 2003-2004 - Duane L. Abata
* 2004-2005 - Sherra E. Kerns
* 2005-2006 - Ronald Barr

Past Conferences

* 1893 - Chicago, Ill.
* 1894 - Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
* 1895 - Springfield, Mass.
* 1896 - Buffalo, N.Y.
* 1897 - University of Toronto
* 1898 - Boston, Mass.
* 1899 - The Ohio State University
* 1900 - Columbia University
* 1901 - Buffalo, N.Y.
* 1902 - Pittsburgh, Pa.
* 1903 - Niagara Falls, N.Y.
* 1904 - St. Louis, Mo.
* 1905 - Atlantic City, N.J.
* 1906 - Cornell University
* 1907 - Case School of Applied Science
* 1908 - Detroit, Mich.
* 1909 - Columbia University
* 1910 - University of Wisconsin
* 1911 - Carnegie Institute of Technology and University of Pittsburgh
* 1912 - M.I.T., Harvard and Wentworth
* 1913 - University of Minnesota
* 1914 - Princeton University
* 1915 - Iowa State College
* 1916 - University of Virginia
* 1917 - Washington, D.C.
* 1918 - Cambridge, Mass.
* 1918 - Northwestern University
* 1919 - The Johns Hopkins University
* 1920 - University of Michigan
* 1921 - Yale University
* 1922 - University of Illinois
* 1923 - Cornell University
* 1924 - University of Colorado
* 1925 - Union College
* 1926 - State University of Iowa
* 1927 - University of Maine
* 1928 - University of North Carolina
* 1929 - The Ohio State University
* 1930 - Ecole Polytechnic
* 1931 - Purdue University
* 1932 - Oregon State College
* 1933 - Stevens Hotel, Chicago
* 1934 - Cornell University
* 1935 - Georgia School of Technology
* 1936 - University of Wisconsin
* 1937 - M.I.T. and Harvard University`
* 1938 - A&M College of Texas
* 1939 - Pennsylvania State College
* 1940 - University of California, Berkeley
* 1941 - University of Michigan
* 1942 - New York City
* 1943 - I.I.T. and Northwestern University
* 1944 - University of Cincinnati
* 1945 - Washington University
* 1946 - Washington University
* 1947 - University of Minnesota
* 1948 - University of Texas
* 1949 - R.P.I.
* 1950 - University of Washington
* 1951 - Michigan State College
* 1952 - Dartmouth College
* 1953 - University of Florida
* 1954 - University of Illinois
* 1955 - The Pennsylvania State University
* 1956 - Iowa State College
* 1957 - Cornell University
* 1958 - University of California, Berkeley
* 1959 - University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Institute of Technology
* 1960 - Purdue University
* 1961 - University of Kentucky
* 1962 - U.S. Air Force Academy
* 1963 - University of Pennsylvania
* 1964 - University of Maine
* 1965 - I.I.T.
* 1966 - Washington State University
* 1967 - Michigan State University
* 1968 - UCLA (Diamond Jubilee)
* 1969 - The Pennsylvania State University
* 1970 - The Ohio State University
* 1971 - U.S. Naval Academy
* 1972 - Texas Tech University
* 1973 - Iowa State University
* 1974 - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
* 1975 - Colorado State University
* 1976 - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
* 1977 - University of North Dakota
* 1978 - University of British Columbia
* 1979 - Louisiana State University
* 1980 - University of Massachusetts--Amerherst
* 1981 - University of Southern California
* 1982 - Texas A&M University
* 1983 - Rochester Institute of Technology
* 1984 - University of Utah, Brigham Young, Weber State, & Utah State University
* 1985 - Georgia Institute of Technology
* 1986 - University of Cincinnati
* 1987 - University of Nevada, Reno
* 1988 - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
* 1990 - University of Toronto
* 1991 - University of New Orleans
* 1992 - University of Toledo
* 1993 - University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign
* 1994 - Edmonton, Canada
* 1995 - Anaheim, CA
* 1996 - Washington, DC
* 1997 - Milwaukee, WI
* 1998 - Seattle, Washington
* 1999 - Charlotte, North Carolina
* 2000 - St. Louis, Missouri
* 2001 - Albuquerque, New Mexico
* 2002 - Montreal, Canada
* 2003 - Nashville, Tennessee
* 2004 - Salt Lake City, Utah
* 2005 - Portland, Oregon
* 2006 - Chicago, Illinois
* 2007 - Honolulu, Hawaii
* 2008 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Upcoming Conferences

* 2009 - Austin, TX (June 14-17)
* 2010 - Louisville, KY (June 13-16)
* 2011 - Vancouver, BC, Canada (June 26-29)
* 2012 - San Antonio, TX (June 17-20)

External links

* [ Website of the American Society for Engineering Education]

* [ ASEE Engineering And... blog]

* [ ASEE Science and Engineering Fellowships blog]

* [ Engineering Libraries Division]

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