Single operator two radios
- Single operator two radios
:"Main article on the sport of amateur radio contesting"
Single operator two radios (SO2R) is an operating practice employed by some competitors in the sport of amateur radio contesting. By using two transceivers attached to separate antennas, competitors can listen to one amateur radio band while transmitting on another. This capability enables the operator to more efficiently locate other amateur radio stations participating in the competition with which to make contact and score points.
SO2R is an operating technique used by some competitors in the single-operator categories in contesting. A single station operator uses two radios to listen simultaneously to two different radio frequencies. When the two radios are on different radio bands, an operator can be listening to one radio while the other is transmitting. This can result in increased operating efficiency, as the operator can always be looking for new contacts to increase his or her score. SO2R operation can be a challenge to learn and requires practice to achieve proficiency.
The use of SO2R in HF contests has been controversial in the past. Critics feel that the extra expense, complexity, and improved performance that can be achieved from SO2R operation merits the separation of SO2R operations into a distinct competitive entry class from other single operators. While no major contests have yet done this, some will list individual scores in contest results with an SO2R designation where the station self-reports that SO2R was used.
Call sign
SO2R is also a valid amateur radio call sign issued to an active contest station in Poland.[ [ SO2R call sign listing on] ] ]
*Fisher, Bill W4AN (2000). [ "Two Radio Single-Op"] . Retrieved Dec. 7, 2005.
*Healy, Rus K2UA (2001). [ "Single-Operator Contesting with Two Radios"] . Retrieved Dec. 7, 2005.
*Hill, Don AA5AU (2005). [ "SO2R RTTY Contesting"] . Retrieved Dec. 7, 2005.
*Tyree, Tree N6TR (1997). [ "Two Radios"] . Retrieved Dec. 7, 2005.
*Tyree, Tree N6TR (2000). [ "Two Radio Contesting Tutorial"] . Retrieved Dec. 7, 2005.
*Nunes, José CT1BOH (2006). [ "SO2R"] . Retrieved Jul. 5, 2006.
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