- Government Polytechnic Nashik
(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)
Government Polytechnic, Nashik is one of the leading Polytechnics in the state of
Maharashtra ,India . Government Polytechnic, Nashik is an Autonomous Institute of Maharashtra offering Diploma, Post Diploma and Certificate programs in engineering and technology that cater to the changing needs of industry, business and community at large using need based curricular delivered in a dynamic learning environment. AICTE and Government of Maharashtra approved fulltime and part-time programs are offered to candidates selected as per the norms laid down by the government of Maharashtra. The polytechnic also maintains relations with accreditations bodies like All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education (MSBTE), Indian Society Of Technical Education (ISTE), etc. The institute is further developing its capabilities and utilizing its potential to develop to the fullest extent for the cause of society through Bilateral International Co-operative projects such as CIIILP, Indo-Austria and Indo-Japan project for "world class" Institute and Indo-Germany for modernization of technical education in Maharashtra state.Programs Offered
"Full Time Diploma Programs:"( Duration: 3 years)
*Mechanical engineering
*Electrical engineering
*Civil engineering
*Plastic engineering
*Computer engineering
*Automobile engineering
*Electronics &Telecommunication engineering
*Information Technology "Part Time Courses in Information Technology:"( Duration: 1 year)
PGD in I.T., Short term Course in I.T., Certificate Course in I.T., System Analysis & Applications
----Address: Samangoan Road, Nashik Road, Nashik 422101Tel:91-253-2461221/2450210 Fax:91-253-2450236 E-mail: info@gpnashik.com, gpnashik@sancharnet.inWeb portal: http://www.gpnashik.com
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