Laser Books

Laser Books

Laser Books was a line of 58 paperback science fiction (SF) novels published from 1975 to 1977 by Canadian romance powerhouse Harlequin Books. Laser published three titles per month, available by subscription as well as in stores. The books were limited to 50,000-60,000 words. They were numbered as a series, though each was a standalone novel. All the covers were painted by fan favorite Kelly Freas, a winner many times over of the Hugo Award for Best Artist.

Tim Powers, whose first book was published by Laser, has said that "Epitaph in Rust" was mangled by the editors at Laser Books. An unedited version has been issued by a different publisher. [ [ Tim Powers: An Epitaph In Rust ] ] Piers Anthony has a similar complaint, which is noted here: "But What Of Earth?" Controversy. When he republished the book later (through Tor Books) he added much discussion about the Laser Books treatment of his work.


:0. "Seeds of Change" by Thomas F. Monteleone, 1975, ISBN 0-88950-900-X:1. "Renegades of Time" by Raymond F. Jones, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72001-7:2. "Herds" by Stephen Goldin, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72002-5:3. "Crash Landing on Iduna" by Arthur Tofte, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72003-3:4. "Gates of the Universe" by Robert Coulson with Gene DeWeese, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72004-1, cover price $0.95:5. "Walls Within Walls" by Arthur Tofte, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72005-X:6. "Serving in Time" by Gordon Eklund, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72006-8:7. "Seeklight" by K. W. Jeter, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72007-6:8. "Caravan" by Stephen Goldin, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72008-4:9. "Invasion" by Aaron Wolfe, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72009-2:10. "Falling Toward Forever" by Gordon Eklund, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72010-6:11. "Unto the Last Generation" by Juanita Coulson, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72011-4:12. "The King of Eolim" by Raymond F. Jones, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72012-2:13. "Blake's Progress" by R. F. Nelson, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72013-0:14. "Birthright" by Kathleen Sky, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72014-9:15. "The Star Web" by George Zebrowski, 1975, ISBN 0-373-72015-7:16. "Kane's Odyssey" by Jeff Clinton, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72016-5:17. "The Black Roads" by J. L. Hensley, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72017-3:18. "Legacy" by J. F. Bone, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72018-1 :19. "The Unknown Shore" by Donald Malcolm, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72019-X:20. "Space Trap" by Juanita Coulson, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72020-3:21. "A Law for the Stars" by John Morressy, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72021-1:22. "Keeper" by Joan Hunter Holly, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72022-X:23. "Birth of Fire" by Jerry Pournelle, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72023-8:24. "Ruler of the World" by J. T. McIntosh, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72024-6:25. "Scavenger Hunt" by Stephen Goldin, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72025-4:26. "To Renew the Ages" by Robert Coulson, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72026-2:27. "The Horde" by Joseph Green, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72027-0:28. "The Skies Discrowned" by Timothy Powers, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72028-9:29. "The Iron Rain" by Donald Malcolm, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72029-7:30. "The Seeker" by David Bischoff with Christopher Lampton, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72030-0:31. "Galactic Invaders" by James R. Berry, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72031-9:32. "Then Beggars Could Ride" by R. F. Nelson, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72032-7:33. "The Dreamfields" by K. W. Jeter, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72033-5:34. "Seas of Ernathe" by Jeffrey Carver, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72034-3:35. "I, Aleppo" by Jerry Sohl, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72035-1:36. "Jeremy Case" by Gene DeWeese, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72036-X:37. "The Meddlers" by J. F. Bone, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72037-8:38. "Ice Prison" by Kathleen Sky, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72038-6:39. "Brandyjack" by Augustine Funnell, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72039-4:40. "Master of the Stars" by Robert Hoskins, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72040-8:41. "Future Sanctuary" by Lee Harding, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72041-6:42. "Cross of Empire" by Christopher Lampton, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72042-4:43. "Spawn" by Donald Glut, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72043-2:44. "But What Of Earth?" by Piers Anthony and Robert Coulson, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72044-0:45. "Finish Line" by Stephen Goldin, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72045-9:46. "Dance of the Apocalypse" by Gordon Eklund, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72046-7:47. "Epitaph in Rust" by Timothy Powers, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72047-5, cover price $1.25:48. "Rebels of Merka" by Augustine Funnell, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72048-3, cover price $1.25:49. "Tiger in the Stars" by Zach Hughes, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72049-1:50. "West of Honor" by Jerry Pournelle, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72050-5:51. "Mindwipe!" by Steve Hahn, 1976, ISBN 0-373-72051-3:52. "The Extraterritorial" by John Morressy, 1977, ISBN 0-373-72052-1:53. "The Ecolog" by R. Faraday Nelson, 1977, ISBN 0-373-72053-X:54. "The River and the Dream" by Raymond F. Jones, 1977, ISBN 0-373-72054-8:55. "Shepherd" by Joan Hunter Holly, 1977, ISBN 0-373-72055-6:56. "Gift of the Manti" by J. F. Bone and Roy Myers, 1977, ISBN 0-373-72056-4:57. "Shadow on the Stars" by Robert B. Marcus Jr., 1977, ISBN 0-373-72057-2


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