Replica 1

Replica 1

infobox computer
Name = Replica 1

Photo =
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Developer = Briel Computers
Released = 2003
Discontinued =
Processor = 6502 or 65C02 @ 1 MHz
Memory = 32 KB SRAM, 8 KB EEPROM
Display = 40x24 character text
Baseprice = US$149.00
Website =
The Replica 1 is a clone of the Apple I designed by Vince Briel with permission from the Apple I's original creator Steve Wozniak. The Replica 1 is functionally a close copy of the original, but it is designed using much more modern parts on a smaller, simplified board design. The Replica 1 is designed around the same MOS Technology 6502 chip used as the core of the Apple I. Like the original, the Replica 1 utilizes simple AV in/out to connect to a television or other similar screen, and it maintains most of the original's functionality, such as the lack of a "delete" key.

Apple Computer had no objection to the project since Wozniak had given his approval and the design is technically Wozniak's alone since it predates the company itself. Apple had previously released all materials regarding the Apple 1 to the Apple 1 Owners Club [] .

Briel Computers sells the replica in two models, one pre-assembled, and another as a build-it-yourself kit. Earlier revision Replica 1 came with an available Serial I/O card which allowed programs written on or for the Replica 1 to be stored on the hard drive of any common PC. This was needed because the Replica 1 had no other ready means of program storage, since cassette drives (the Apple I's storage device) are in short supply. The I/O card can also be attached to original Apple 1 computers.

The most recent model of the Replica 1 is the Replica 1 SE which went on sale in June 2006. The SE model integrated both the previous Serial I/O board plus a new USB interface into the main board. Other improvements included a wall mounted DC power supply replacing the previous model's reliance on a full PC power supply and a power on light indicator.

The Replica 1 includes Apple 1 BASIC in ROM to allow quick and easy programming, as well as the [ KRUSADER Assembler] that provides a powerful symbolic assembly programming environment, including a disassembler and a low-level debugger.

Future of the Replica 1:A new expansion interface is almost ready for production, with many associated expansion devices currently under development. These include a Compact Flash Interface (CFFA), and a debug board.

External links

* [ The Replica-1]
* [ Replica 1 article]
* [ Photographs of the Replica I] at Flickr
* [ The KRUSADER Assembler]

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