

infobox software

caption=Screenshot of Fink running in Terminal
website= []
genre=Package Management
license=GNU General Public License
latest release version=binary distribution 0.9.0
latest release date=June 26, 2008
latest preview version=source distribution 0.28.1
latest preview date=March 3, 2008
operating system = Mac OS X
programming language=Perl

In computing, the Fink project is an effort to port Unix programs to Mac OS X. Fink uses dpkg and APT (Debian's package management system), as well as its own frontend program, fink (which is implemented as a set of Perl modules).


Fink features a binary distribution for quick and easy installation, as well as a source distribution for users preferring more flexibility. In addition to command-line tools for handling packages, FinkCommander provides a GUI. The user can configure Fink to utilize the stable or unstable tree for packages. The unstable tree typically has newer releases, but has not stood the test of time.

Fink stores all its data in the directory "/sw" by default, rather than as part of the base system or under "/usr/local" as specified in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. Within fink's directory, a FHS-like layout (/sw/bin, /sw/include, /sw/lib, etc.) is used. Fink can be used to install newer versions of packages installed by Mac OS X or to install packages not included in Mac OS X.


The Fink project was started in December 2000 by German hacker [ Christoph Pfisterer] .The name "Fink" is German for finch and is related to the Darwin operating system (that lies at the core of Mac OS X), through Charles Darwin's study of diversity among finches.

Christoph Pfisterer left the project [cite web |author=Pfisterer, Christian |title=Christoph Pfisterer resigns from the fink project. |url= |accessdate=2008-03-21 ] out of frustration in November of 2001. Since then, several people have stepped in and picked up support for Fink and as of March 2008, the project is managed by 6 administrators, 89 developers, and a very active community.

The Fink community released support for Mac OS X v10.4 on 18 Feb. 2006 and for Mac OS X Leopard on the day it was released (26 October 2007).

See also

*MacPorts (formerly called DarwinPorts)


External links

* [ Fink project homepage]

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