- Barrington Hall
Barrington Hall was a student housing cooperative in the
University Students' Cooperative Association (USCA) system in Berkeley,California , from 1935 to 1990. It is currently privately operated student housing.History
The first Barrington Hall was a boarding house on Ridge Road, housing 48 students, purchased by leaders of the student co-op movement in 1933. Located at 2315 Dwight Way, at Ellsworth, the better-known, second building was opened to house 200 men in 1935, two years after the founding of the USCA.cite news |url=http://www.alumni.berkeley.edu/Alumni/Cal_Monthly/November_2003/Making_a_house_a_home.asp |last=Hughes |first=Robert A|title=Making a house a home |work=California |date=November 2003 |publisher=California Alumni Association at UC Berkeley |accessdate=2007-01-18] The building was leased to the
U.S. Navy from 1943 to 1948; the Navy returned the building significantly upgraded. Barrington Hall, along with all the USCA residences, was always open to all students regardless of race, religion or nationality. In 1967, Barrington Hall's house council voted to become co-ed, which by the rules of "locus parentis" meant the house lost its accreditation with the University.In the 80s, the co-op was the focus of numerous accusations regarding drugs and noise. In 1989, after three previous attempts to close the hall, all defeated within the USCA by campaigns organized by Barringtonians and former Barringtonians, it was closed by a USCA referendum intended to stem the growing liability associated with Barrington's wild atmosphere. The closure was fought by the residents during the referendum campaign, in court and in the building by student
squatters . ["Police Evict Barrington Holdouts." The San Francisco Chronicle, September 13, 1990, Thursday, Final Edition Section: News; Pg. B6] The squat climaxed in a night-longriot — in March, 1990, which began as a poetry reading — involving Berkeley police, off-duty police officers (hired by the USCA), and the residents.Throughout its history, Barrington Hall had a reputation for supporting social and political activism. In 1960, "Cal undergrads, particularly residents of the Barrington Hall co-op on Dwight Way, were part of the crowd of demonstrators protesting against the San Francisco meeting of the
House Committee on Un-American Activities ." [Charles Wollenberg (2002) [http://berkeleypubliclibrary.org/system/Chapter9.html "Berkeley, A City in History" ] Chapter 9, Heritage of the Sixties, hosted by Berkeley Public Library] By the time of the People's Park Riots in May of 1969, Barrington Hall, which was only two blocks from People's Park, was an infamous place in Berkeley. The devotion to cooperation in a nation committed to competition bore radical fruit after thirty-five years. Barrington became a 'safe house' for deviance, good or ill. It was safe for unmarried men and women to live together, safe to paint and draw on the walls, safe to do or sell any drug, safe to crash in if you had no other place to stay. In the 1970s and 1980s, it was also the headquarters of the anti-apartheid movement, and offered sanctuary and meals to the homeless. In 1984, Barrington residents voted to make the Hall open as an official sanctuary for refugees fromEl Salvador . cite web |url=http://ejinjue.org/thegreenbook/html/node3.html |title=The Greenbook: Counterculture's Last Stand |accessdate=2007-01-26 |last=Gasper |first=Krista |date= |year=2002]The former Barrington Hall now serves as privately operated student housing.
Musical history
Before legal
arbitration with the neighbors in 1984, Barrington was the launching pad/petri dish of Bay Area Punk, and bands played frequently.The song "
Frizzle Fry " by the band Primus as well as the theme of their album, "Tales From the Punchbowl", was inspired by one of the Barrington's recurring parties, called "Wine Dinners," held at the house at which punch laced withLSD was served. [Seven hospitalized after `acid punch' party, house chief quits, The Daily Californian, October 16, 1987.] The pop groupCamper Van Beethoven played at one such "Wine Dinner" in 1988-89, under the name Vampire Can Mating Oven. Black Flag, Flipper, X,NOFX , andThe Dead Kennedys played at Barrington in the 80s, along with hundreds of other punk rock bands. The song "Barrington Hall" byLes Claypool's Frog Brigade , released in 2002, is all about Barrington, and includes the lyrics "Just when I had thought I'd seen it ah ah ah all, I stumbled 'round the corner into Barrington Hall. Does anyone here remember Barrington Hall? Does anybody here remember Barrington? They care not for wrong or right, they electrocute the night, the people that live in Barrington Hall . . ." [http://stores.musictoday.com/store/dept.asp?band_id=362&dept_id=833&sfid=2 Official Store:Music Department] , Club Basterdo. Retrieved January 24, 2007]The legal arbitration restricted Barrington to three parties a semester with "amplified music," and so bands could only perform at Wine Dinners after that.
Musicians in Barrington house band
Idiot Flesh went on to perform withCharming Hostess ,Sleepytime Gorilla Museum andFaun Fables .Murals
Much of the building, which was three stories high and a block deep, was covered with
murals andgraffiti .::"Every surface in Barrington was covered with psychedelic murals and layer upon layer of graffiti. The graffiti wasn't just tags--it contained long debates about revolution, religion, art, everything ....... which would go on for years." [Obituary for [http://slingshot.tao.ca/displaybi.php?0059022 Ian Ray: 1964-1997] in Slingshot 59 published by the Slingshot Collective] The tradition of murals began in the 60s, and many of the "original" murals were painted by house members, such as a large mural of the Beatles Yellow Submarine. As times changed, so did the murals; the 80s murals were morepunk rock . But old murals were considered sacred by house by-laws, [Barrington Hall Constitution and By-laws, Barrington Hall miscellany, 308W.U592.bar, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.] and so the artistic expressions of several decades adorned Barrington, making its walls a living history of late 20th-centurycounterculture in the US. One mural from the 70s was ofSacco and Vanzetti . A prominent mural from the 80s, painted in a neo-psychedelic style and with Japaneseanime characteristics, made reference to 50s iconDisneyland . Stationed just inside the front entrance of the building, it said:::"Welcome to Barrington, kids! Please keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times." Clark Morris and Mahlen Morris " [http://youtube.com/watch?v=6sP7Okc_IDc Walls of Barrington Hall] ", a video panoramma of murals and graffiti in 1988; hosted at YouTube.com]Graffiti was a tradition which began in the 80s, and consisted of everything from large multi-color spray paint tag designs to merely scrawled words, such as "Only seven more shopping days till Armageddon."
Barrington graffiti
*"You're persona non grata in my hippy van, bitch."
*"Better living through chemistry."
*"You can't fistfuck with nuclear arms."
*"Only seven more shopping days 'til Armageddon."
*"Everybody is alienated but me."
*"Is the nightmare real or did someone paint the window black?
*"Squat or rot."
*"Fuck the Dead"
*"Time is a crutch, eat mandarin oranges."Insect banquet
For many years, there was a yearly "insect banquet" at Barrington Hall at which
entomophagy was practice. It was often mentioned inHerb Caen 's column in theSan Francisco Chronicle .New Member Disorientation
At the beginning of every semester in the 1980s, a new member orientation, called the "New Member Disorientation" was held for incoming students. Two films were shown, and
nitrous oxide was procured for a big party. One of the films was asuper 8mm film called "Leo and Phred," which depicted Leo and Phred engaging in sex acts while onheroin to the tune of "White Lines" by Melle Mel and Grandmaster Flash. The other film was aclaymation film which featured "Onngh Yanngh." Onngh Yanngh was the legendaryfolk hero of Barrington. His motto — adopted from a famous quotation ofLao Tzu 's — was "those who tell don't know, and those who know don't tell." The film was made circa 1980, and humorously tells the "story" of Onngh Yanngh. Later, when the neighbors tried to persuade the city to prosecute Barrington under theRICO Act for drug sales in the building, one of their claims was that Barrington's Onngh-Yanngh/Lao Tzu motto was actually akin to the mafia code of "omertà ".Barrington Bull
The Barrington Bull was an in-house publication of Barrington Hall, published from 1936 to 1989. (The name was briefly changed to "The Barbarrington" in 1938.) It was the first USCA publication of any kind. Volume I Number I of The U.C.S.C.A. News appeared on October 24th, 1938, "a publication," claimed the lead article, "designed to create greater unity of purpose and action among the five houses of the co-operative association." Ed Wright, the editor, was also the editor of "The Barbarrington. " In the 60s, a tradition of giving each issue a theme began. Some themes from the 70s include: The "Onngh Yanngh" Bull, Spring 1978 The "Wasted" Bull, May 1978 and "The Hippie Ghetto" Bull, Fall 1979. [ [ Google cache of Barringtonhall.org page linking to contents of some Barrington Bulls] , accessed 24 January 2007]
Barrington collective
In 2002, a group of UC Berkeley students founded a cooperative organization, [Anjanette Bunce (2004) [http://www.geo.coop/bunce904.htm "The Barrington Collective: What happens when “Cooperation among Co-ops” meets “Concern for Community”"] published by GEO at www.geo.coop] and named themselves after Barrington, to commemorate its "spirit." [Barrington Collective [http://barringtoncollective.org/MeetingMinutes/BarringtonCollective/20020929 Meeting Minutes] for Sept 29 2002. "We decided that “The Barrington Collective” would be our official name in commemoration of the spirit of the residents of the Barrington Co-op."] The collective publishes the "Disorientation Zine," as a complement to the orientation information UC Berkeley provides to new students.
Notable Barrington Residents
* Tara Bahrampour, instructor at
New York University , journalist forthe New York Times , freelance correspondent and author of "To See and See Again: A Life in Iran and America". [ [http://journalism.nyu.edu/faculty/bahrampour.html Tara Bahrampour] - Faculty page, NYU Department of Journalism]
* Robert Barkaloff,Los Angeles photographer. [ [http://www.robertbarkaloff.com Robert Barkaloff Photography] - Homepage]
*Jewlia Eisenberg , co-founder of eclectic bandCharming Hostess . [http://www.kqed.org/w/baywindow/speakingfreely/local/jewlia_eisenberg_interview.html Speeking Freely: An Evening with Remarkable Women] - Interview with Jewlie Eisenberg]
* Sandeep Junnarkar, Associate Professor at theCUNY Graduate School of Journalism , former journalist for The New York Times on the Web, the founder of Lives in Focus, a non-profit media company that uses video, audio and photographs to present the voices and stories of those who are rarely given space or time in traditional news media. [ [http://www.livesinfocus.org Lives in Focus] - Lives in Focus: A lens on life in the margins.]
* Joel J. Rane, author of "Scream at the Librarian". [ [http://www.screamatthelibrarian.com Scream at the Librarian] - Homepage for "Scream at the Librarian"]
* Chris Thompson, journalist, formerly atEast Bay Express , by 2007 was writing forThe Village Voice inNew York City [ [http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2005-05-04/news/cityofwarts_print.html] - Tale of Two Animal Houses]
* Michael Tigar, lawyer for theChicago Seven . ["One of the contributors to that last issue, with a devastating satire of the Council, was Mike Tigar, who later worked for KPFA for awhile & most recently was heard from as one of the lawyers for the Chicago 7 who were tromped on by the judge.)" From a first hand account of The Barrington Bull [http://www.challzine.net/24/24bull2.html] . Retrieved January 24, 2007]
*Famous mathematicianAndreas Floer , inventor ofFloer homology .
*PoetJoshua Clover , author of "Madonna anno Domini", "The Totality for Kids", and a critical monograph on "The Matrix " for theBritish Film Institute . Published three times inBest American Poetry .Fact|date=January 2007
*Journalist and documentary filmmakerMicah Garen , author of the Iraq war memoir "American Hostage".
*Erik Himmelsbach, formerly managing editor at theLos Angeles Reader andSpin ; now television writer and producer of pop culture documentaries such asMonterey 40 [ [http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/television/reviews/article_display.jsp?&rid=9364] Hollywood Reporter review] He also wrote a short story forAnother City , [ [http://www.citylights.com/book/?GCOI=87286100120120] City Lights website] an anthology of Los Angeles writers published by City Lights Books in 2001.
*Classical composer Belinda Reynolds
*Film and television directorMichael Lehmann
* Classical composer, Tom Dean, General and Artistic Director, and founder of theOakland Opera [ [http://www.oaklandopera.org] .]
* Tim Hitchcock, Professor of Eighteenth-century History at the University of Hertfordshire, author of "Down and Out in Eighteenth-Century London" and co-director ofThe Old Bailey Online , [ [http://www.oldbaileyonline.org] .]
*ee also
The Beatnigs Footnotes
* Thompson, Chris. [http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2005-05-04/news/cityofwarts_print.html "Tale of Two Animal Houses"] East Bay Express. Published May 4, 2005. Retrieved at EastBayExpress.com on 1.24.07
* [http://ejinjue.org/thegreenbook/ "The Green Book A Collection of U.S.C.A. History"] ; a compilation of two sources. The first, " [http://ejinjue.org/thegreenbook/html/node2.html Cheap Place to Live] ", was completed in 1971 by Guy Lillian as part of a U.S.C.A. funded project. The second, [http://ejinjue.org/thegreenbook/html/node3.html "Counterculture's Last Stand"] , was completed in 2002 by Krista Gasper.
* apRoberts, Alison. " [http://www.alumni.berkeley.edu/Alumni/Cal_Monthly/November_2003/Making_a_house_a_home.asp Living with Pink Cloud] " California magazine, November 2003, 114 (2)
* American Arbitration Association Report on the Arbitration Matter of Ellsmere Apartments Claimants and Barrington Hall Respondents, Barrington Hall miscellany, 308W.U592.bar, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
* `A Long Strange Trip," East Bay Express, December 15, 1989
* "Barrington Policy," U.C. Archives, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Barrington miscellany, 308W.U592.bar
* "Onngh Yanngh on Campus," Toad Lane Review, February 1980.
* "Co-op Sanctuary Movement," Toad Lane Review, Spring 1985.
* Report from City of Berkeley Health and Human Services of March 21, 1984, Barrington Hall miscellany, 308W.U592.bar, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
* "Expulsion of Barrington heroin users, dealers threatened," U.S.C.A. News, February 27, 1986.
* Peoples' History of Berkeley, #21: "Barrington Hall,' barringtoncollective [http://barringtoncollective.org/PeoplesHistoryOfBerkeley]
* "Berkeley Mayor Wants Talks: Friday's student riot at Barrington Hall" The San Francisco Chronicle, April 10, 1990, Tuesday, Final Edition Section: News; Pg. E11; Bay Area Report
* Steve Rubenstein,"Berkeley Cops Roust Dozens at Big Party," The San Francisco Chronicle, November 22, 1989, Wednesday, Final Edition, Section: Daily Datebook; E12External links
* [http://www.usca.org/about/uscahistory.php Brief History of the USCA] , founder and owner of Barrington Hall
* [http://berkeleyheritage.com/eastbay_then-now/lafayette.html History of the building that housed Barrington Hall]
* [http://www.usca.org/gallery/a1/Barrington_Front USCA picture gallery “Co-opers through the years”]
* [http://www.barringtonhall.org/ Colorful website with many pictures from the eighties]
* [http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10299904131 Ex-Barringtonians Facebook group] -Facebook
* [http://www.challzine.net/24/24bull.html] [http://www.challzine.net/24/24bull2.html] first-person-account of living in Barrington in the late 60s, by an editor of the in-house literary magazine, "The Barrington Bull," in two parts.
* [http://ejinjue.org/thegreenbook/rebuttal/ "The Fall of Barrington Hall:"] Green Book rebuttal", by Joel Rane September 2006
* [http://www.rockposters.com/store/details.asp?cscpid=479] 1980 poster for show at Barrington.
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