- Droit de seigneur
"Droit de seigneur" (pronounced|dʀwa d(ə) sɛɲœʀ), French for "the lord's right", is a term now popularly used to describe an alleged legal right allowing the
lord of an estate to take thevirginity of the estate'svirgin s. It is also spelled "droit du seigneur" (IPA| [dʀwa dy sɛɲœʀ] ), but native French prefer the term droit de cuissage or droit de jambage. A related term is "ius primæ noctis" (also "jus primae noctis") (IPAEng|juːs ˈpriːmaɪ ˈnɒktɪs),Latin for "law" (or "right") "of the first night". [http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a5_181.html The Straight Dope: Did medieval lords have "right of the first night" with the local brides? ] ] [http://www.fibri.de/jus/arthbes.htm The jus primae noctis as a male power display: A review of historic sources with evolutionary interpretation ] ]"Droit de seigneur" is often interpreted today as a synonym for "ius primae noctis", although it originally referred to a number of other rights as well, including hunting, taxation, and farming.
The existence of a "right of the first night" in the
Middle Ages was disputed in the 19th century. Although most historians today would agree that there is no authentic proof of the exercise of the custom in the Middle Ages, disagreement continues about the origin, the meaning, and the development of the widespread popular belief in this alleged right and the actual prevalence of symbolic gestures referring to this right.In the late Middle Ages in Europe, the "ius primae noctis" was a widespread popular belief in an ancient privilege of the lord of a manor to share the bed with his peasants' newlywed brides on their wedding nights. This belief was reflected in symbolic gestures which lords developed and used as humiliating signs of superiority over the dependent peasants in a time of disappearing status differences.
The origin of this popular belief is difficult to trace. In the 16th century,
Hector Boece referred to the decree of the Scottish king Evenus III that "the lord of the ground shall have the maidenhead of all virgins dwelling on the same". Legend has it thatSaint Margaret of Scotland procured the replacement of "jus primae noctis" with a bridal tax calledmerchet . But King Evenus III did not exist, and Boece's account included much clearly fictional material. [http://www.fibri.de/jpn.htm Jus primae noctis - Das Herrenrecht der ersten Nacht ] ] Inliterature from the 13th and 14th centuries and incustomary law texts of the 15th and 16th centuries, "jus primae noctis" is also closely related to specific marriage payments of (formerly) unfree people. There is good reason to assume that this relation goes back to the early medieval period and has its roots in the legal condition of unfree people andGaelic marriage customs. [ [http://www.snopes.com/weddings/customs/droit.asp snopes.com: First Knight ] ]Similarities to other traditions
Some scholars have speculated that the "jus primae noctis" of the Medieval European tradition did exist, and that it might have been similar to
defloration rituals inAncient Mesopotamia or 13th centuryTibet (Evans 1979:30). In Mesopotamian literature, the right of the first night, in the sense of the privilege of a powerful man to deflower another man's woman, is a very old topos, present at least as early asEpic of Gilgamesh (circa 2000 B.C.). Although the literary descriptions from ancient Mesopotamia and the legends of "ius primae noctis" in Medieval Europe stem from very different cultural traditions, they meet in the fact that, in both cases, persons of high social rank were involved.Herodotus writes that virgins in 5th century BC
Babylon were obliged to prostitute themselves in the temple ofIshtar , allowing a stranger to deflower them before they were allowed to marry (Herodotus I.199).Marco Polo , in hisIl Milione , observed that in 13th century Tibet, "The people of these parts are disinclined to marry young women as long as they are left in their virgin state, but on the contrary require that they should have had commerce with many of the opposite sex." (Evans 1979:30) Scholars have argued by analogy to the Tibetan custom recorded by Marco Polo and similar customs from other cultures that the "ius primae noctis" of Medieval Europe and the Mesopotamian custom alluded to in the Epic of Gilgamesh were not instances of the tyrant imposing his will on his female subjects, but a kind of "ritual defloration," in which "the community rallied around to support the individual," i.e., the deflowerer (Evans 1979:30).Cultural references
* "Voyages historiques de l'Europe" (Volume IV: pages 140–141), by Claude Jordan, first published in 1694; the description is similar to Boece's, but attributes the change to
Malcolm I of Scotland , in the 10th century.
*Voltaire wrote the five-act comedy "Le droit du seigneur" or "L'écueil du sage" (ISBN 2-911825-04-7) in 1762, although it was not performed until 1779, after his death.
* "Oroonoko ", a short novel byAphra Behn published in 1688.
*"Lorenzaccio " (1834), byAlfred de Musset
* "The Marriage of Figaro" (1778) byBeaumarchais
* "Woman, Church and State " (1893) byMatilda Joslyn Gage — [http://www.sacred-texts.com/wmn/wcs/wcs06.htm Chapter IV: Marquette]
* "The War Lord ", a movie starringCharlton Heston
* "Braveheart ", the film directed byMel Gibson . In the film "jus primae noctis" is invoked by Edward the Longshanks in an attempt to breed the Scottish out.
* "The Postman", the film starringKevin Costner . In the film, General Bethlehem (Will Patton ), refers to "prima noctis" as giving him the right to bed Abby (Olivia Williams ).
* TheAubrey–Maturin series of novels, byPatrick O'Brian , especially "The Yellow Admiral "
* [http://www.george-orwell.org/1984/6.html Chapter 7 of the first part] ofGeorge Orwell 's "Nineteen Eighty-Four ", in which "the law by which every capitalist had the right to sleep with any woman working in one of his factories" is an element of the Party'spropaganda
* The tale of the ancient Irish heroCúchulainn
*Terry Pratchett 's "Wyrd Sisters ", aDiscworld novel , in which the "droit de seigneur" was used as a kind of double entendre, with one of the characters believing it was a kind of "big dog thing; hairy, that needs exercise".
*Mark Twain 's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court "
* In the DC ComicsElseworlds graphic novel "Kal", in which the story ofSuperman is set in the Middle Ages, the lord Lex Luthor invokes this right on the night of the marriage of Kal to "Lady Loisse"; she resists him and he kills her, prompting the young Superman to storm the castle and kill Luthor.
* In "Ben Franklin", an episode of the American television series "The Office", Michael Scott claims "ius primae noctis" (in the erroneousnominative form "prima nocta" *) over one of his employees who is to be married (Phyllis Lapin ).Jim Halpert explains to the camera what it was, recalling it from the movie "Braveheart ", and that it meant something entirely different from what Michael believed it did. (* Prima nocta is incorrect Latin. Itsnominative (subject part of speech) form would be "prima nox", while itsablative form, roughly translated "on the first night", would be "primā nocte".)Notes and references
*Boureau, Alain. "The Lord's First Night: The Myth of the Droit de Cuissage", translated by Lydia G. Cochrane, University of Chicago Press, 1998. ISBN 0-226-06742-4.
*Wettlaufer, Jörg. "The "jus primae noctis" as a male power display: A review of historic sources with evolutionary interpretation", in "Evolution and Human Behavior" Vol. 21: No. 2: pages 111–123. Elsevier, 2000.
*Evans, Hilary. "Harlots, whores & hookers : a history of prostitution". Taplinger Pub. Co., 1979External links
* [http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a5_181.html The Straight Dope: Did medieval lords have "right of the first night" with the local brides?]
* [http://www.snopes.com/weddings/customs/droit.htm Urban Legends website investigates the issue]
* [http://www.fibri.de/jpn.htm Jus primae noctis. Scientific resources (in German)]
* [http://www.fibri.de/jus/arthbes.htm The above resource in English translation]
* [http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/printarticle.cfm?articleid=201600 Scottish Memoirs - English Nobles' Primae Noctus & Early Marriage Customs]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.