- Difference operator
mathematics , a difference operator maps a function, "f"("x"), to another function, "f"("x + a") − "f"("x + b").The forward difference operator :Delta f(x)=f(x+1)-f(x),occurs frequently in the calculus of
finite difference s, where it plays a role formally similar to that of thederivative , but used in discrete circumstances.Difference equation s can often be solved with techniques very similar to those for solvingdifferential equation s.This similarity led to the development oftime scale calculus . Analogously we can have the backward difference operator:abla f(x)=f(x)-f(x-1).,
When restricted to
polynomial functions "f", the forward difference operator is adelta operator , i.e., ashift-equivariant linear operator on polynomials that reduces degree by 1."n"-th difference
The "n"th forward difference of a function "f"("x") is given by
:Delta^n [f] (x)= sum_{k=0}^n {n choose k} (-1)^{n-k} f(x+k)
where n choose k} is the
binomial coefficient . Forward differences applied to asequence are sometimes called thebinomial transform of the sequence, and, as such, have a number of interesting combinatorial properties.Forward differences may be evaluated using the
Nörlund-Rice integral . The integral representation for these types of series is interesting because the integral can often be evaluated usingasymptotic expansion orsaddle-point techniques; by contrast, the forward difference series can be extremely hard to evaluate numerically, because the binomial coefficients grow rapidly for large "n".Newton series
The Newton series or Newton forward difference equation, named after
Isaac Newton , is the relationship:f(x+a)=sum_{k=0}^inftyfrac{Delta^k [f] (a)}{k!}(x)_k= sum_{k=0}^infty {x choose k} Delta^k [f] (a)
which holds for any
polynomial function "f" and for some, but not all,analytic function s. Here,:x choose k}
is the
binomial coefficient , and:x)_k=x(x-1)(x-2)cdots(x-k+1)
is the "
falling factorial " or "lower factorial" and theempty product ("x")0 defined to be 1. Note also the formal similarity of this result toTaylor's theorem ; this is one of the observations that lead to the idea ofumbral calculus .In analysis with
p-adic number s,Mahler's theorem states that the assumption that "f" is a polynomial function can be weakened all the way to the assumption that "f" is merely continuous.Carlson's theorem provides necessary and sufficient conditions for a Newton series to be unique, if it exists. However, a Newton series will not, in general, exist.The Newton series, together with the
Stirling series and theSelberg series , is a special case of the generaldifference series , all of which are defined in terms of scaled forward differences.Rules for finding the difference applied to a combination of functions
Analogous to rules for finding the derivative, we have:
* Constant rule: If "c" is aconstant , then :riangle c = 0
* Linearity: if "a" and "b" areconstant s,:riangle (a f + b g) = a , riangle f + b , riangle gAll of the above rules apply equally well to any difference operator, including abla as to riangle.
*Product rule : :riangle (f g) = f , riangle g + g , riangle f + riangle f , riangle g :abla (f g) = f , abla g + g , abla f - abla f , abla g
*Quotient rule ::abla left( frac{f}{g} ight) = frac{1}{g} det egin{bmatrix} abla f & abla g \ f & g end{bmatrix} left( det {egin{bmatrix} g & abla g \ 1 & 1 end{bmatrix ight)^{-1} ::or:ablaleft( frac{f}{g} ight)= frac {g , abla f - f , abla g}{g cdot (g - abla g)}:riangleleft( frac{f}{g} ight)= frac {g , riangle f - f , riangle g}{g cdot (g + riangle g)}* Summation rules::sum_{n=a}^{b} riangle f(n) = f(b+1)-f(a):sum_{n=a}^{b} abla f(n) = f(b)-f(a-1)
Difference operator generalizes to
Möbius inversion over apartially ordered set .As a convolution operator
Via the formalism of
incidence algebra s, difference operators and other Möbius inversion can be represented byconvolution with a function on the poset, called theMöbius function μ; for the difference operator, μ is the sequence 1,-1,0,dots).ee also
Newton polynomial
*Table of Newtonian series
*Lagrange polynomial
*Gilbreath's conjecture References
first1 = Philippe | last1 = Flajolet
authorlink2 = Robert Sedgewick (computer scientist) | first2 = Robert | last2 = Sedgewick
url = http://www-rocq.inria.fr/algo/flajolet/Publications/mellin-rice.ps.gz
title = Mellin transforms and asymptotics: Finite differences and Rice's integrals
journal = Theoretical Computer Science
volume = 144 | issue = 1–2 | year = 1995 | pages = 101–124
doi = 10.1016/0304-3975(94)00281-M.
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