- Lancelot Hogben
Lancelot Thomas Hogben (
9 December 1895 -22 August 1975 ) was a versatile British experimentalzoologist , and medicalstatistician . He is now best known for his popularising books on science, mathematics and language.Early life
He was born in
Portsmouth and brought up inSouthsea ,Hampshire . His parents werePlymouth Brethren ; he broke young from the family religion. He attended Tottenham County School in London, where his family had moved, and then as a medical student studiedphysiology atTrinity College, Cambridge . He took his degree in 1915. He had acquiredsocialist convictions, changing the name of the university'sFabian Society to Socialist Society and went to become an active member of theIndependent Labour Party . Later in life he preferred to describe himself as 'a scientific humanist'.World War I
World War I he was apacifist and was imprisoned as aconscientious objector in 1916; this was after six months working with theRed Cross in France, and his deliberate return to Cambridge. His health collapsed after maltreatment and he was released in 1917, when he married the mathematician, statistician and feministEnid Charles .Academic
After a year's convalescence he took lecturing positions in London universities, moving in 1922 to the
University of Edinburgh and its Animal Breeding Research Department. He then went toMcGill University , and in 1927 to a zoology chair at theUniversity of Cape Town . He worked onendocrinology and used the Xenopus frog. This had direct application topregnancy testing . He found the job in South Africa attractive, but his antipathy to the country's racial policies drove him to leave.In 1930 he moved to the
London School of Economics , in a chair forsocial biology . He became aFellow of the Royal Society in 1936. The citation readDistinguished for his work in Experimental Zoology, especially in respect of the mechanism of colour change in Amphibia and Reptilia. He has published a series of important papers on the effect of hormones on the pigmentary effector system and on the reproductive cycle of vertebrates, and has worked on many branches of
comparative physiology . More recently he has made substantial contributions to genetics, especially with regard to man.The social biology position at the LSE was funded by the
Rockefeller Foundation and when it withdrew funding Hogben moved, becoming Regius Professor of Natural History at theUniversity of Aberdeen in 1937.ociety for Experimental Biology
He was a founder of the
Society for Experimental Biology and its organ the "British Journal of Experimental Biology" (renamed "Journal of Experimental Biology" in 1930) in 1923, along withJulian Huxley and geneticistFrancis Albert Eley Crew (1886-1973). According to Gary Werskey, Hogben was the only one of the founders not holding someeugenicist ideas.Recent research has "revealed that contrary to Hogben's published recollection of the early years of the SEB, which was published in 1966 and has been circulating in the literature since,
J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) was not one of the 'Founding Fathers of the SEB'" (Erlingsson 2006).Writer
Hogben produced two best-selling works of popular science, "Mathematics for the Million" (1936) and "Science for the Citizen" (1938). These were big ambitious books. While at Aberdeen, Hogben developed an interest in language. Besides editing "The Loom of Language" by his friend
Frederick Bodmer , he created an international language,Interglossa , as ‘a draft of an auxiliary for a democratic world order’.Later life
World War II Hogben had responsibility for theBritish Army 's medical statistics. He was Mason Professor of Zoology at theUniversity of Birmingham 1941-1947 and professor of medical statistics there 1947-1961, when he retired. He then took a position at theUniversity of Guyana .Works
*"Exiles of the Snow, and Other Poems" (1918)
*"An Introduction to Recent Advances in Comparative Physiology" (1924) with Frank R. Winton
*" The Pigmentary Effector System. A review of the physiology of colour response" (1924)
*"Comparative Physiology" (1926)
*"Comparative Physiology of Internal Secretion" (1927)
*"The Nature of Living Matter" (1930)
*"Genetic Principles in Medical and Social Science" (1931)
*"Mathematics for the Million" (1936)
*"The Retreat from Reason" (1936) Conway Memorial Lecture May 20, 1936
*"Science for the Citizen: A Self-Educator Based on the Social Background of Scientific Discovery" (1938)
*"Political Arithmetic: A Symposium of Population Studies" (1938) editor
*"Dangerous Thoughts" (1939)
*"Author in Transit" (1940)
*"Principles of Animal Biology" (1940
*"Interglossa: A Draft of an Auxiliary for a Democratic world order, Being an Attempt to Apply Semantic Principles to Language Design" (1943)
*"The Loom of Language byFrederick Bodmer " (1944) editor
*"An Introduction to Mathematical Genetics" (1946)
*"History of the Homeland The Story of the British Background: by Henry Hamilton" (1947) editor, No. 4 of Primers for the Age of Plenty
*"The New Authoritarianism" (1949) Conway Memorial Lecture 1949
*"From Cave Painting To Comic Strip: A Kaleidoscope of Human Communication" (1949)
*"Chance and Choice by Cardpack and Chessboard" (1950)
*"Man Must Measure: The Wonderful World of Mathematics" (1955)
*"Statistical theory. The relationship of probability, credibility and error. An examination of the contemporary crisis in statistical theory from a behaviorist viewpoint" (1957)
*"The Wonderful World Of Energy" (1957)
*"The Signs of Civilisation" (1959)
*"The Wonderful World Of Communication" (1959)
*"Mathematics In The Making" (1961)
*"Essential World English" (1963) with Jane Hogben and Maureen Cartwright
*"Science in Authority: Essays" (1963)
*"The Mother Tongue" (1965)
*"Whales for the Welsh - A Tale of War and Peace with Notes for those who Teach or Preach" (1967)
*"Beginnings and Blunders or Before Science Began" (1970)
*"The Vocabulary Of Science" (1970) with Maureen Cartwright
*"Astronomer Priest and Ancient Mariner" (1972)
*" Maps, Mirrors and Mechanics" (1973)
*"Columbus, the Cannon Ball and the Common Pump" (1974)
*" How The World Was Explored", editor, with Marie Neurath and J. A. Lauwerys
*"Lancelot Hogben: Scientific Humanist" (1998) autobiography, edited by Adrian Hogben and Anne HogbenReferences
*Bud, Robert. Lancelot Thomas Hogben (1895–1975), "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography", Oxford University Press, 2004.
*Hogben, Lancelot. "Lancelot Hogben scientific humanist: an unauthorised autobiography", edited by Adrian and Ann Hogben. Merlin 1998.
*Wersky, Gary. "The Visible College" 1978.
*Erlingsson, Steindór J., "The Early History of the SEB and the BJEB." "Society For Experimental Biology Bulletin", March, pp. 10-11, 2006. [http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~steindor/sebBulletin.pdf The article can be accessed here]Notes
External links
* [http://www.galtoninstitute.org.uk/Newsletters/GINL0112/Lancelot_Hogben.htm Lancelot Hogben biographie at the Galton Institute]
* [http://www.genetics.org/cgi/reprint/142/3/655 Sahotra Sarkar: "Lancelot Hogben, 1895-1975" in Perspectives (1996)]
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,789716,00.html "Scientific Humanism" inTime Magazine (March 11 1940)]
* [http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storyCode=162693§ioncode=6Max Perutz on Lancelot Hogben and his autobiography in Times Higher Education (July 31, 1998)]
* [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/31244 Lancelot Hogben] —Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
* [http://www.ijdb.ehu.es/fullaccess/fulltext.feb00/GURDON.pdf Details of research on Xenopus]
* [http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqSearch=RefNo='EC/1936/08'&dsqDb=Catalog Royal Society certificate of election]
* [http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=ImageView.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsq]
* [http://www.kafejo.com/interglossa/ First part of Interglossa] (there is a photograph of the author on p.2.)
* [http://www.rickharrison.com/language/interglossa.html Brief excerpts from Interglossa] For a tribute to "Mathematics for the Million" fromFields Medal listDavid Mumford
* [http://www.americanscientist.org/template/ScientistNightstandTypeDetail/assetid/45261 Interview with David Mumford] Some of the correspondence between Hogben and R. A. Fisher is available online
* [http://digital.library.adelaide.edu.au/coll/special//fisher/corres/hogben/index.html Correspondence of Sir R.A. Fisher: Calendar of Correspondence with Lancelot Hogben]
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