1834 in art

1834 in art

List of years in Art





*Edward Hicks - "Peaceable Kingdom"
*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - "Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian", (Autun Cathedral)


*Antoine-Augustin Préault - "The Killing" (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Chartres)


*July 14 - James McNeill Whistler, painter (d. 1903)
*July 19 - Edgar Degas, painter and sculptor (d. 1917)
*August 2 - Frédéric Bartholdi, sculptor of the Statue of Liberty (d. 1904)
* Caspar Buberl, sculptor (d. 1899)


*February 26 - Alois Senefelder, inventor of lithography (b. 1771)
*March 30 - Rudolph Ackermann, printer and lithographer (b. 1764)
*April 27 - Thomas Stothard - English painter and engraver (b. 1755)
* Landolin Ohmacht, German sculptor (b. 1760)
* Peter Rindisbacher, painter (b. 1806)
* Prince Hoare - English painter and dramatist (b. 1755)

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