Speed Badminton

Speed Badminton

Speed badminton, also known as "speedminton", is a badminton variant without a net.


Speed badminton was invented by the Berliner "Bill Brandes", who wanted to create an outdoor variant of badminton. Indeed, in classical badminton, the shuttlecock is too light and the wind can disturb the play.

The game is outwardly similar to badminton, but the shuttlecock is heavier, and the game tempo is faster.

The inventor first named his new sport "shuttleball". In 2001, the game was renamed "speed badminton" or "speedminton".

In 2003, there were 6,000 active players in Germany [ [http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,951494,00.html Source from Deutsche Welle] ] . Despite the growing number of players, this sport is still unrecognized outside Germany and its neighbouring countries. A championship was however organised in Berlin in 2005.

Field and equipment

The field consists of two squares measuring 5,5m (18ft) on a side. The distance between the squares is 12,8m (42ft). It can be played on the half of a tennis court.

The rackets are similar to the ones used in squash, and the shuttlecock is heavier than a conventional shuttlecock.


The aim of the game is to reach the square of the opposite player with the shuttlecock. If the shuttlecock falls outside the opposite square, the other side gains a point.The game ends when one player has at least 15 points and has at least 2 points advantage over their adversary.Everytime a set/round finishes, the players switch sides.


* Doubles : The doubles match is played on two adjacent courts.
* Speeder : A faster game than speed badminton, with a heavier shuttlecock.
* Black lighting : Speed badminton can be played by night with fluorescent equipment.


External links

* [http://www.speedminton.com Speedminton] - Site of the producer Speedminton with videos, photos and all information about the new sport.
* [http://www.gekkos-berlin.de Speedminton Gekkos Berlin e.V.] - Site of the first official speed badminton club in Berlin; with photos and advice. de icon

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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