Stjepan Šulek

Stjepan Šulek

Stjepan Šulek (5 August 1914 - 16 January 1986) was a Croatian composer and conductor.


Born in Zagreb in 1914, Šulek began his music study very early by learning piano, violin, and composition. In 1936 he received his diploma from the Music Academy of Zagreb. Until 1952 Šulek was an active soloist who gave numerous recitals. He was also an active chamber music performer of the highest level, as he led the Zagreb String Quartet from 1936-38 and was a member of the Maček-Šulek-Janigro Trio from 1939-45. At the Zagreb Conservatorium, Šulek began teaching violin in 1939, composition in 1948, and orchestration in 1953.

His works were played on a national and international level beginning in 1945 in Europe, South America, and the United States). Šulek became a corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of the Arts and Sciences in 1948 and an official member and secretary of the Department of Music for the academy in 1954. From 1958-64 he was the principal conductor of both the chamber and symphony orchestras of Zagreb and undertook numerous European tours with these orchestras. He was frequently invited to be a guest conductor for the symphony orchestras of Zagreb, Belgrade, and Slovenia. Šulek died in Zagreb in 1986.


= Symphonies =

* First Symphony (1944)
* Second Symphony (1946)
* Third Symphony (1948)
* Fourth Symphony (1954)
* Fifth Symphony (1964)
* Sixth Symphony (1966)
* Seventh Symphony (1979)
* Eighth Symphony (1981)
* Epitaf (1971)


* First Piano Concerto (1949)
* Second Piano Concerto (1952)
* Third Piano Concerto (1970)
* Cello Concerto (1950)
* Violin Concerto (1951)
* Bassoon Concerto (1958)
* Viola Concerto (1959)
* Horn Concerto (1972)
* Sextett (1957)
* Organ Concerto "Memento" (1974)
* Clarinet Concerto (1970)

"Classical concertos" for orchestra

* First Classical Concerto (1944)
* Second Classical Concerto (1952)
* Third Classical Concerto (1957)
* Fourth Classical Concerto (1983)


* First Piano Sonata (1947)
* Second Piano Sonata (1978)
* Third Piano Sonata (1980)
* Sonata for Trombone and Piano "Vox Gabrieli" (1973)
* Sonata for Cello and Piano (1974)
* Sonata for Violin and Piano

Chamber music

* Ten string quartets cite web|title=Edition BIM page for Stjepan Šulek|url=|accessdate=2007-10-14]


* Koriolan (1957)
* Oluja (storm) (1969)


* De Veritate (1977)


* Bascanska Ploca (1980)


* Zadjni Adam (1964)

Song cycles

* Singing of the Dead Poet (1970)
* Strah (fear) (1975)


* The Troubadours Three
**I. Melancholy
**II. Sonnet
**III. Celebration


*cite book|last=Supičic|first=Ivan|title=Stjepan Šulek: 1914-1986|oclc= 46009587|date=1987|location=Zagreb|publisher=Razred za glazbenu umjetnost i muzikologiju

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