

Canaries may refer to:

*Canary Islands, an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean belonging to the Kingdom of Spain
*Canaries, a village on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia
*"The Canaries", the nickname of two British football teams: Norwich City F.C. and Hitchin Town F.C.
*Any number of wild birds, the Canary, or caged birds, the Domestic Canary, whose name derives from the Canary Islands from which these birds originated.See also: Canary

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  • Canaries — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Distrito de Canaries. Canaries es un distrito de Santa Lucía ubicado al oeste en la costa pesquera del país, alberga a 1906 habitantes. Posee apenas 18 kilómetros cuadrados lo que da una densidad de 105, 88… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Canaries — archipel de l Atlantique, au N. O. du Sahara, comptant sept îles princ.; communauté autonome d Espagne et région de la C.E., formée des prov. de Las Palmas et de Santa Cruz de Tenerife; 7 242 km²; 1 589 400 hab.; cap. Las Palmas. Le climat… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Canaries — Basisdaten Land: St. Lucia Departement: Anse la Raye Einwohner: 1.306 (2005) Höhe: 149 m.ü.M …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Canaries — Canary Ca*na ry, n.; pl. {Canaries}. 1. Wine made in the Canary Islands; sack. A cup of canary. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A canary bird. [1913 Webster] 3. A pale yellow color, like that of a canary bird. [1913 Webster] 4. A quick and lively dance.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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