Molon Labe!

Molon Labe!
Molon Labe!  
First edition cover
Author(s) Kenneth W. Royce
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Novel
Publisher Javelin Press
Publication date 30 January 2004
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 454 pp (first edition, paperback)
ISBN ISBN 1-888766-07-7 (first edition, paperback)
OCLC Number 61405812

Molôn Labé! is Kenneth W. Royce's first fiction book (cover credited to "Boston T. Party"). The novel deals with the migration of freedom-minded individuals to the state of Wyoming, where they take political power through the use of the ballot box.

Plot introduction

Molôn Labé!, the free state movement's first novel, has encouraged many people to relocate to Wyoming for their own immediate increase in personal freedom, as well as for long-term hopes of bolstering the general climate of liberty in the Cowboy State.

Explanation of the novel's title

Molon labe is an ancient Greek expression for "Come and take them!", the defiant reply of King Leonidas to the Persian demand before the Battle of Thermopylae for his 300 Spartans to lay down their arms in surrender. In the United States, the phrase is becoming a modern-day Second Amendment cry of resolve never to disarm in the face of compulsion.

Awards and nominations

Molôn Labé! was a semi-finalist for the Libertarian Futurist Society's Prometheus Award of 2004. [1]

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