Samuel Plimsoll

Samuel Plimsoll

Samuel Plimsoll (10 February 1824 – 3 June 1898) was a British politician and social reformer, now best remembered for having devised the Plimsoll line.

Early life

Plimsoll was born in Bristol but soon moved to Whitely Wood Hall Sheffield, also spending part of his childhood in Penrith, Cumbria. Leaving school at an early age, he became a clerk at Rawson's Brewery, and rose to be manager.

In 1853 he attempted to set up in business in London as a coal merchant. He failed, and was reduced to destitution. He himself told how for a time he lived in a common lodging for 7/2d (or 7 shillings and two pence) a week.

Through this experience he learnt to sympathise with the struggles of the poor; and when his good fortune returned, he resolved to devote his time to improving their lot.

His efforts were directed especially against what were known as "coffin ships": unseaworthy and overloaded vessels, often heavily insured, in which unscrupulous owners risked the lives of their crews.


In 1868, Plimsoll was elected as the Liberal Member of Parliament for Derby, and endeavoured in vain to pass a bill dealing with the subject.

In 1872 he published a work entitled "Our Seamen", which made a great impression throughout the country. Accordingly, on Plimsoll's motion in 1873, a Royal Commission was appointed, and in 1875 a government bill was introduced, which Plimsoll, though regarding it as inadequate, resolved to accept.

On 22 July, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, announced that the bill would be dropped. Plimsoll lost his self-control, applied the term "villains" to members of the House, and shook his fist in the Speaker's face.

Disraeli moved that he be reprimanded, but on the suggestion of Lord Hartington agreed to adjourn the matter for a week to allow Plimsoll time for reflection.

Eventually Plimsoll made an apology. The country, however, shared his view that the bill had been stifled by the pressure of the shipowners, and popular feeling forced the government to pass a bill which in the following year, was amended into the Merchant Shipping Act. This gave stringent powers of inspection to the Board of Trade, and the mark that indicates the limit to which a ship may be loaded became generally known as Plimsoll's mark or line.

Plimsoll was re-elected for Derby at the general election of 1880 by a great majority, but gave up his seat to William Vernon Harcourt, believing that the latter, as Home Secretary, could advance sailors' interests more effectively than any private member.

Offered a seat by 30 constituencies, Plimsoll stood unsuccessfully in Sheffield Central in 1885. He did not re-enter the house, and later became estranged from the Liberal leaders by what he regarded as their breach of faith in neglecting the question of shipping reform.

He held for some years the honorary presidency of the National Sailors' and Firemen's Union, and drew attention to the horrors of the cattle-ships.

Later life

Later he visited the United States to try to secure the adoption of a less bitter tone towards England in the historical textbooks used in American schools. He died at Folkestone, Kent in 1898.

British writer Nicolette Jones published "The Plimsoll Sensation", a highly-acclaimed biography - getting the idea for it from living in 1995 at the Plimsoll Road in North London, but knowing hardly anything about who it was named for.

External links

* [ "The sailor's friend" (book review), "The Economist", Jul 6th 2006] (payment required)
* [ "The Plimsoll Sensation" (podcast), The British Library, Jul 7th 2006] #
* [,,1805185,00.html "The Bottom Line About Mr. Plimsoll", The Observer, 25 June 2006]
* [ Review of "The Plimsoll Sensation" in Bookworm on the Net, 2 July 2006]



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  • Samuel Plimsoll — Samuel Plimsoll. Samuel Plimsoll (* 10. Februar 1824; † 3. Juni 1898) war ein britischer Abgeordneter, der gegen eine Reederschaft zu Felde zog, die absichtlich seeuntüchtige Schiffe ausfahren ließ, um bei Schiffbruch die Versicherungssumme zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Plimsoll Line —    Samuel Plimsoll (1824 1898) was born in Bristol, England. He started out as a brewery clerk, became a manager, and then became a coal dealer. Elected to Parliament (1868) from Derby, Plimsoll cast about for a cause that could inspire him and… …   Dictionary of eponyms

  • Plimsoll line — also Plimsoll mark n BrE [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: Samuel Plimsoll (1824 98), British politician] a line painted on the outside of a ship, showing how low in the water it can safely be when it is loaded …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Plimsoll — mark on the hull of a British ship showing how deeply she may be loaded, 1881, from Samuel Plimsoll (1824 98), M.P. for Derby and advocate of shipping reform (which were embodied in the Merchant Shipping Act of 1876). Sense extended 1907 to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Plimsoll mark — or Plimsoll line [plim′səl, plim′säl΄, plim′sôl΄] n. [after Samuel Plimsoll (1824 98), Eng advocate of legislation against overloading vessels] a line or set of lines on the hull of a merchant ship, showing the depth to which it may legally be… …   English World dictionary

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  • Plimsoll's mark — Plim soll s mark (Naut.) A mark conspicuously painted on the port side of all British sea going merchant vessels, to indicate the limit of submergence allowed by law; so called from Samuel Plimsoll, by whose efforts the act of Parliament to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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