1604 in literature

1604 in literature

The year 1604 in literature involved some significant events.


*Isaac Casaubon becomes sub-librarian of the royal library in Paris.
*Construction of the Red Bull Theatre in London.
*The King's Men act "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Court on the evening of January 1; they perform "Othello" on November 1 and "The Merry Wives of Windsor" on November 4, both at Whitehall Palace; they act "Measure for Measure" at Court on December 26, and "The Comedy of Errors" on December 28. A report from December indicates that the King's Men were performing a play on the politically sensitive subject of the Gowrie Conspiracy; the play was suppressed and has not survived — but did not impact the company's general success.
*The last performances of the Beverley miracle plays occur in 1604.

New books

*William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling - "The Monarchic Tragedies"; includes "Croesus" and "Darius", two closet dramas
*Thomas Dekker - "News from Gravesend"
** - "The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinary"
*Elizabeth Grymeston - "Miscellanea: prayers, meditations, memoratives"
*King James I - "A Counterblast to Tobacco"
*Christopher Marlowe - "Doctor Faustus" (first quarto - the "A text")
*Samuel Rowlands - "Look to It for I'll Stab Ye"
*John Stow - Revised edition of "Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles"

New drama

*Samuel Daniel - "Philotas;" "The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses" (masque)
*Thomas Dekker & Thomas Middleton - "The Honest Whore, Part 1"
*Thomas Dekker and John Webster - "Westward Ho"
*Ben Jonson & Thomas Dekker - "The Coronation Triumph"
*John Marston - "The Malcontent"
*Thomas Middleton - "Michaelmas Term"
*William Shakespeare - "Hamlet" published (second quarto, a "good" quarto as opposed to the 1603 "bad quarto," Q1)


*Bernardo de Balbuena - "La Grandeza Mexicana (Mexico's Grandeur)"
*Nicholas Breton - "The Passionate Shepherd"
*Anthony Scoloker - "Daiphantus, or the Passions of Love"


*May 10 - Jean Mairet, dramatist (died 1686)
*October 16 - Assoucy, burlesque poet (died 1677)
*"date unknown" - Isaac Ambrose, diarist (died c1663)
*"date unknown" - Charles Cotin, philosopher and poet (died 1681)
*"date unknown" - Nicholas French, pamphleteer (died 1678)
*"date unknown" - Jasper Mayne, dramatist (died 1672)


*February 25 - Manuel da Costa, Jesuit historian (born 1541)
*March 4 - Fausto Paolo Sozzini, theologian (born 1539)
*March 13 - Arnaud d'Ossat, diplomat and writer (born 1537)
*June 24 - Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, alleged author of Shakespeare's works (born 1550)
*August 3 - Bernardino de Mendoza, military historian (born c1540)
*September 10 - William Morgan, Bible translator (born 1545)
*October 8 - Janus Dousa, historian and poet (born 1545)
*"date unknown" - Thomas Churchyard, poet (born c1520)
*"date unknown" - Isabella Andreini, actress and writer (born 1564)
*"date unknown" - Juan Jose Marti, novelist (born c1570)
*"date unknown" - Thomas Storer, poet (born c1571)

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