Norepinephrine bitartrate
- Norepinephrine bitartrate
Norepinephrine bitartrate is the bitartrate salt of epinephrine (two molecules of tartaric acid reacted with epinephrine to form a salt). Epinephrine is known also as adrenaline. It does not occur in this form naturally in the body (epinephrine is an endogenous compound but is used also as a drug) but many drugs are presented as various salts to change their physical properties for ease of handling or formulation.
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norepinephrine bitartrate — [USP] the bitartrate salt of the levorotatory isomer of norepinephrine, having the vasoconstrictor actions of the parent compound; used to restore the blood pressure in certain cases of acute hypotension, and to improve cardiac function during… … Medical dictionary
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noradrenaline — SYN: norepinephrine. n. acid tartrate SYN: norepinephrine bitartrate. n. bitartrate SYN: norepinephrine bitartrate. * * * nor·adren·a·line also nor·adren·a·lin .nȯr ə dren əl ən n … Medical dictionary
levarterenol — SYN: norepinephrine. l. bitartrate SYN: norepinephrine bitartrate. * * * lev·ar·ter·e·nol .lev är tir ə .nȯl, ter , .nōl n levorotatory norepinephrine * * * lev·ar·te·re·nol (lev″ahr tērґə nol) the levorotatory isomer of… … Medical dictionary
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