

Parador, in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, is a kind of luxury hotel, usually located in historic buildings such as monasteries and castles.

Paradores de Turismo de España

"Paradores de Turismo de España" are a chain of Spanish luxury hotels. They were founded by Alfonso XIII of Spain as a means to promote tourism in Spain, with the first opening in Gredos, Ávila in 1928.

A profitable state-run enterprise, the hotels are often in castles, palaces, fortresses, convents, monasteries and other historic buildings. They stretch from Galicia in the North West through Catalonia to Andalusia in the south of Spain, the Canary Islands and to the Spanish cities in North Africa.

Prices usually vary according to room, region, and season.

The Portuguese equivalent, the Pousadas de Portugal, were founded in 1942, after the Spanish model.

Paradores de Puerto Rico

"Paradores de Puerto Rico" are typically small, one-of-a-kind, locally owned and operated hotels found throughout the island commonwealth. They are frequented by guests looking to enjoy the local customs and charm while escaping the bustle of the more populated areas. Often translated as Country Inn, Paradores in Puerto Rico are usually located in rural areas.

Paradores of Puerto Rico Program

To be part of the "Paradores of Puerto Rico Program," the hotel must meet certain standards set forth by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company. These includes being located outside the San Juan metro area (most of them are located on the west coast or in the mountains), must have 15 to 75 rooms, must have a restaurant on site or nearby, and must be family-owned and operated. []

ee also

Parador is also the name of the country on the movie Moon Over Parador.

External links

*es icon en icon [ Paradores de Turismo de España]
* [ Official UK representative of the paradors]
* [ Flickr group with photos of paradors]
*en icon [ Paradores de Puerto Rico]

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