- IPodWizard
iPodWizard is an application for
Microsoft Windows that lets users customize the appearance of theiriPod 'suser interface . Originallydeveloped by a member of the ipodhacks.com forums, it was extended by members of theiPodWizard.net forums . The iPodWizard program is currently on version 1.3. This version came out shortly after its previousbeta , 1.2d, and has a new firmware tab called 'Layout'. It is ahex editor .Functionality
iPodWizard works by modifying the iPod firmware released by Apple. Resources contained within the Software Update can be changed, such as images, texts and strings, and then the
Software Update is applied to theiPod with the changes.iPodWizard is split into three
sections :Pictures ,Font s,Strings , and has newly been equipped with a basicHex Editor which has the ability toresize images as well as change the placement of menus and text under the Layout Tab.Under the Pictures tab, the user can modify every graphic of the
iPod , Even the initial startup Apple logo, (which is still in the "development" phase) via the "Index" dropdown menu. The user then chooses a number, then can either save the existing bitmap and modify it with a graphics editor, or make a completely new one using the same size.Under the text tab, the user can modify the text of the
iPod , either by making a bitmap from scratch and defining the boundaries of each character, or by loading a preexisting font into the application.Under the Strings tab, the user can modify the strings of the
iPod . There is a search box which lets the user search for a particular string. Strings can be entered inhexadecimal in the lower half of the screen, or in thetext box below thesearch bar .Under the
Layouts tab , the user can modify thelocation of theimages and editthe way the iPod works . Doing this iscomplex , and may put youriPod on areboot loop , but it can be reversed by loading the [unmodified resource of the modified resource on youriPod after putting your iPod in disk mode.Many new "hacks" have been made for this program such as:iPod Classic to iPod Video - A hack to make iPod resemble the new ipod ClassicsiPod Touch to iPod video - A hack to make iPod resemble the iPod touch
As with all applications of this nature, there is a risk of damaging the
iPod . In most situations, the situation can be resolved quickly; however, there are some cases that can only be fixed by either reformatting the iPod's hard drive, or getting a replacement iPod. However, if the user uses iPodWizard properly, such dangers should be almost nonexistent. This, along with any form of altering of the iPod's firmware, renders the iPod's warranty void.External links
* [http://ipodwizard.sf.net/ Sourceforge Site]
* [http://ipodwizard.net/ Official community]
* [http://www.getipodwizard.com/ Official Download Site]
* [http://www.fdefault.com/ Relevant Hack Blog]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.