Moduli space — In algebraic geometry, a moduli space is a geometric space (usually a scheme or an algebraic stack) whose points represent algebro geometric objects of some fixed kind, or isomorphism classes of such objects. Such spaces frequently arise as… … Wikipedia
Formal group — In mathematics, a formal group law is (roughly speaking) a formal power series behaving as if it were the product of a Lie group. They were first defined in 1946 by S. Bochner. The term formal group sometimes means the same as formal group law,… … Wikipedia
Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (1950–1959) — Continuation of the Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki programme, for the 1950s. 1950/51 series *33 Armand Borel, Sous groupes compacts maximaux des groupes de Lie, d après Cartan, Iwasawa et Mostow (maximal compact subgroups) *34 Henri Cartan, Espaces… … Wikipedia
МОДУЛЕЙ ТЕОРИЯ — теория, изучающая непрерывные семейства объектов алгебраич. геометрии. Пусть А класс объектов алгебраич. геометрии (многообразий, схем, векторных расслоений и т. п.), на к ром задано нек рое отношение эквивалентности R. Основная задача… … Математическая энциклопедия
List of mathematics articles (F) — NOTOC F F₄ F algebra F coalgebra F distribution F divergence Fσ set F space F test F theory F. and M. Riesz theorem F1 Score Faà di Bruno s formula Face (geometry) Face configuration Face diagonal Facet (mathematics) Facetting… … Wikipedia
Artin approximation theorem — In mathematics, the Artin approximation theorem is a fundamental result of Michael Artin in deformation theory which implies that formal power series with coefficients in a field k are well approximated by the algebraic functions on k .tatement… … Wikipedia
Modulus of continuity — In mathematical analysis, a modulus of continuity is a function used to measure quantitatively the uniform continuity of functions. So, a function admits ω as a modulus of continuity if and only if for all x and y in the domain of f. Since moduli … Wikipedia
Topological modular forms — In mathematics, the spectrum of topological modular forms (also known as tmf ) describes a generalized cohomology theory whose coefficient ring is similar to the graded ring of holomorphic modular forms with integral cusp expansions. These rings… … Wikipedia
Algebraic stack — In algebraic geometry, an algebraic stack is a concept introduced to generalize algebraic varieties, schemes, and algebraic spaces. They were originally proposed in a 1969 paper[1] by Pierre Deligne and David Mumford to define the (fine) moduli… … Wikipedia
Morse homology — In mathematics, specifically in the field of differential topology, Morse homology is a homology theory defined for any smooth manifold. It is constructed using the smooth structure and an auxiliary metric on the manifold, but turns out to be… … Wikipedia