Star Fleet Battles

Star Fleet Battles

"Star Fleet Battles" (SFB) is a tactical strategy board wargame set in an offshoot of the Star Trek setting called the Star Fleet Universe. Originally created in 1979 by Stephen V. Cole,cite journal
title=Pyramid Pick: Starfleet Command"
journal=Pyramid (online)
publisher=Steve Jackson Games
last = Lucas
first=Andrew J.
date = 1999-11-12
] citation
contribution=Star Fleet Battles
title=Hobby Games The 100 Best
publisher=Green Ronin Publishing
] it has had four major editions. The current edition is published by Amarillo Design Bureau Inc. as "Star Fleet Battles, Captain's Edition". "Star Fleet Battles" was inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming, Arts, & Design Hall of Fame in 2005 where they stated that "Star Fleet Battles" literally defined the genre of spaceship combat games in the early 1980s, and was the first game that combined a major license with 'high re-playability'." [cite web
title=Academy of Adventure Gaming, Arts & Design Hall of Fame (2005 Inductees)
] In his 2007 essay, Bruce Nesmith stated "No other game in hobby game history so completely captures the feel of ship-to-ship combat in space than "Star Fleet Battles". The fact that it does so in the Star Fleet Universe is icing on the cake."

"Star Fleet Battles" is a ship-to-ship warfare simulation game, which uses cardboard counters to represent the ships, shuttles, seeking weapons, terrain, and information on a hexagonal map. It is not simply a game, but rather a detailed game system for two or more players (there are some solitaire scenarios). Typically, a player will have one ship in a game, though he can control an entire fleet, if he can keep track of the paperwork and options involved; multiple players can play as teams, with each team splitting up the work of running a squadron or fleet, or a 'free-for-all' fight can be run. Ships represented in the game are typically starships from such classic "Star Trek" powers as the Federation, Romulan Star Empire, Klingon Empire, or purely Star Fleet Universe creations such as the Hydran Kingdom or Interstellar Concordium.

The game system uses an impulse-based turn system, which is a departure from the traditional I-Go You-Go alternating system used by most wargames. A ship's speed determines how often and when it can move based on a 32 impulse movement chart. Generally, a unit only moves one hex at a time, making 32 the maximum 'speed' in the game. Similar systems are used in games such as Steve Jackson's "Car Wars" (which uses a 5 phase system) and is designed to more realistically simulate unit movement in an environment where the units can move a great distance in the time needed for non-movement functions (like weapons fire) to occur.


"Star Fleet Battles" was based on the Star Trek universe as of 1979 and includes elements of ' and '. Federation elements were heavily based on concepts from "The Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual". Unlike the mainstream Star Trek universe, "Star Fleet Battles" seems to consider some, but not all of "", as being a canon material source, thus leading to the inclusion of aliens such as the Kzinti.

Since the first publication of the game, "Star Fleet Battles" and the Star Trek universe have diverged considerably as the authors of the game and those of the films and television series have basically ignored each other. The resulting divergent world of "Star Fleet Battles" is known as the "Star Fleet Universe".

There are several notable games set in this universe, including the computer game series "" (which combines parts of SFU with parts of canon Star Trek), the role-playing game setting "Prime Directive", (currently available for the "GURPS" and d20 systems), the card game "Star Fleet Battle Force", and the strategy game "Federation and Empire", as well as the recently-released "Federation Commander".

Another note is that the license "Star Fleet Battles" operates under does not allow for direct reference to the characters and detailed events of the Original Series. As such, official material does not include references to Kirk, Spock or use the USS "Enterprise" directly, though the latter is included in ship listings. This has not prevented oblique references, such as a comment about the first Gorn-Federation meeting as involving “two young captains who fired first, and faced embarrassing questions later.”

The divergences have included races in each that are not in the other, and also the general tone of the universes. The writers of the films and television series wanted to stay close to Gene Roddenberry's optimistic view of the future in which differences between groups could ultimately be resolved peacefully. Conversely, peace is not useful in a military wargame so the universe of "Star Fleet Battles" is one of constant conflict and warfare and is thus much more pessimistic.


Pocket Edition

"Star Fleet Battles" was originally published as a 'pocket-game' (or microgame) in a ziplock bag as "Task Force Game #4" by Task Force Games in 1979. Steve Cole later recalled:

The design of "Star Fleet Battles" began during 1975... Jim Brown... and I were playing a lot of "Jutland".... One afternoon I was studying the "Jutland" battle that was in progress on my floor (left from the previous evening) when the ["Star Trek"] re-run of the day came on. I began to consider the possibility of doing a space game on the "Jutland" system. JagdPanther was in operation at the time, and I had vague thoughts that I could somehow get a license for the game.

By the time Jim came by to collect me for dinner, I had a Federation CA and a Klingon D7 fighting it out. In the brief space of an hour long re-run, I had two SSD's, the proportional movement system, and the charts for phasers and disruptor bolts. All were to change drastically within a week and were to continue evolving for five years, but the start was made.cite journal|last=Cole |first=Steve |authorlink=Stephen V. Cole |year=1981 |title=Retrospect: Star Fleet Battles |journal=The Space Gamer |issue=42 |publisher=Steve Jackson Games]

The company JagdPanther closed down before "SFB" was finished, but the game was not forgotten, and when Steve Cole and Allen Eldridge decided to start a new company (Task Force Games) "Star Fleet Battles" was one of several half-finished designs proposed to be published by them.

While the initial format was small, and the number of ships limited, the game was still not "simple". This was dictated in part by a desire to do the "definitive Star Fleet game". This meant that it included as much detail as possible from all the source material available. In the mid-70s, this meant the original two series and a number of fan publications. Except for "The Original Series" itself, none of these materials are considered canon today, but at the time, they were all considered fairly authoritative, especially the "Star Fleet Technical Manual" by Franz Joseph, which had originally been blessed by Gene Roddenberry, and from which Steve Cole got the license to do a Star Trek game.

Elements of these almost forgotten fan productions shaped many aspects of the game. The "Technical Manual" itself decided the main functions of the Federation Heavy Cruiser, and what other Federation ships looked like. A set of blueprints showed the Klingon D7 as having "more" phasers than the Heavy Cruiser, and disruptors mounted on the engines. The latter became a common feature of Klingon shipbuilding, and the former led to the idea of less powerful phasers for the Klingons. The same blueprints also stated that an older, slightly inferior version of the D7, the D6, was what was sold to the Romulans, and the D7/D6 dicotomy has been at the heart of the Klingon fleet in the game ever since. Two of the novels gave mention of a phaser being mounted on shuttlecraft. This was included, as much to give a reason to use shuttles as anything else. This proved to be the wedge that allowed the introduction of fighters to the game; a feature popular with many players, but also led many to believe that "Star Fleet Battles" was no longer "Star Trek".

Designer's Edition

Later in 1979, "Star Fleet Battles" was re-released in a boxed set known as the "Designer's Edition". The original plan had been to produce "three interlocking games, all to be published in the 'pocket' format. When 'completed' this trilogy would cover the entire system."

However, the real reason for this plan was that it had been impossible to acquire boxes at an affordable price. When a source of boxes was found, it was decided to do a revised, expanded version instead. The box contained about twice as many ships and scenarios as the original Pocket Edition, and was expanded upon itself by three expansions in the same zip-lock format as the original (named, imaginatively enough, "Expansion #1", "Expansion #2", and "Expansion #3").

These expansions rapidly added many new ships and concepts to the system which are parts of it to this day: The Hydrans, Andromedans and Lyrans were introduced as new races. 'War cruisers', cheap ships almost, but not quite, as powerful as the heavy cruisers the game was based on. 'Pseudo-fighters' (later renamed 'fast patrol' ships; but retaining the 'PF' designation) were designed to be about as small as a ship could be and still fit in the system. 'X-ships' or 'up-rated cruisers', which were based on the new versions of the "Enterprise" and Klingon ships seen in "". However, many things were being re-written, and each expansion included new elements that impacted how previous rules worked, making the entire system something of a jumble. "It was clear that issuing yet another 'expansion kit' that devoted half of its space to correcting previous products was not the answer."(Z1.1) Notes on the Commander's Edition, "Star Fleet Battles Basic Set", (ADB, 1999).]

Commander's Edition

"Commander's Edition" was, effectively, a ground-up rewrite of the rules. The old rule-number system was discarded in favor of a completely new alpha-numeric system. The three Expansions were scrapped and re-packaged. However, other than the new (bigger) reorganized rulebook, the initial 1983 release of the boxed set was mostly unchanged from the "Designer's Edition", including the box (later printings labeled it "Star Fleet Battles: Volume I").

Most of the material (including the new races) from the Expansions was reorganized and released as "Volume II". The bulk of the fighter rules were in "Supplement #1", X-ships (now redone "not" to be based on "ST:TMP") were in "Supplement #2", and PFs (now renamed as Fast Patrol ships) were in "Supplement #3".

From there, "Commander's Edition" came out with new products for the next half-decade or so. Two "Reinforcements" packs allowed the purchase of extra counters. "Volume III" added the Interstellar Concordium and the Neo-Tholians, as well as new ships and new concepts (such as heavy fighters). "Nexus" magazine was launched as a house organ for Task Force Games, and featured a regular "SFB" section.

Of lasting importance was the launch of "Captain's Log", a continuing semi-periodical journal dedicated to "Star Fleet Battles" that is still running today. Also, the 'Commander's SSD' was introduced. SSDs had just been a half-sheet diagram of the ship's systems. The new style (which did not appear in "Volume I" or "II"), took a full sheet and included extra record-keeping information, such as tracks for drone ammo and shuttles, and firing charts for all the weapons on the ship. A line of nine "Commander's SSD Books" were produced, the first few of which were mostly involved presenting new-style SSDs for the older ships, the last several of which had all new material.

During this entire period, there had been a constant stream of Errata, and later Addenda (which amounted to the same thing). For a long time, the vast majority of the mail received was from the top, few, fanatical, "SFB" players, who constantly campaigned for new rules, rules fixes, and rules changes. This became a source of discontent for most of the rest of the players, who did not appreciate a game that changed every few months, and needed a sheaf of notes along with the voluminous rules. However, it was generally believed nearly impossible to repair the damage by properly re-writing and re-integrating such a large and complex system into a new edition before doomsday, especially without bringing the product line to a halt while only new versions of old products were released.


For a long time the 'Doomsday Edition' was a private joke amongst the staff that worked on "SFB". Then it became a public one. Finally, it became an actual project in 1987, and the 'Doomsday Edition' was released as "Star Fleet Battles, Captain's Edition" in 1990.

The long gestation, however, did give us time to plan an all-new edition. The publisher insisted that we should reorganize the game system into entirely new products. This was necessary to present the material to an entirely new generation of gamers in a more logical format (and to make dealers notice that it was a "new" edition).(Z1.2) Notes on the Captain's Edition, "Star Fleet Battles Basic Set", (ADB, 1999)]

The changes were sweeping. There were two boxed sets (in a smaller format than former boxes), the first of which, "Basic Set", was roughly the same as "Volume I". The second, "Advanced Missions" was different in that it only introduced new rules and ship types (more ships than any other single product in fact), but stayed with the same selection of basic races as the first box. Nearly everything else is labeled "Module x", where "x" is a letter (and number, in a series), along with a name, and comes as a booklet of rules and a booklet of SSDs, with a sheet of counters and a color wrapper as the cover. The new races of "Volume II" and "III" were presented in "Module C1" and "C2".

Captain's Log #8 spent a decent amount of room explaining exactly what the new edition meant, and how the new products would work. The release of 'Doomsday' was split into five phases:Command the Future!: DOOMSDAY IS HERE!, Captain's Log #8 (Task Force Games, 1990)]

:Phase I was the "Basic Set" itself, which had been released before Captain's Log #8.

:Phase II included "Advanced Missions", "C1", and "C2". It also included several limited-run products that were meant purely to ease the transition for older players. The main one had the rulebooks from all the Phase I and Phase II products, so veteran players could get all the new rules without having to re-purchase the other parts. These were released in late 1990 and early 1991.

:Phase III was "Module J" and "K", effectively updates of "Supplement #1" and "#3". Both of these were released in 1991.

:Phase IV updated the "Commander's SSD Books" into "Modules R1-4". The twelve races of the previous edition were divided into three groups of four, and their remaining ships were put into "R2-4"; "R1" had generic units and play aids. These were released in 1992. "R1", was actually the last one released, and came after the first of the new "Captain's Edition" products.

:Phase V was a promise to continue developing new products once the transition to "Captain's Edition" was complete.

And the biggest change was: "We'll explain everything, but we won't "change" anything!"10 Questions About Doomsday, Captain's Log #8 (Task Force Games, 1990)] Doomsday promised an end to addenda. Loopholes might be closed, new things might still be added, but no previous rule would "change" as a result.


The new edition was a success, but could not stop the march of time. Wargaming as a whole had been on the decline since about 1980, and Task Force Games joined the list of established gaming companies that did not survive the '90s. The decline of TFG was gradual, and "SFB" suffered long before the company actually folded:

Ultimately, however, the publisher was battered by market forces, a few bad decisions, and perhaps a lack of focus. The game system more or less disappeared from the market by the end of 1996 when ADB was unable to design new games without being paid for the previous ones. Two years of tedious negotiations were completed in January 1999 and Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. was born.
Since very early on, the publishing duties and design duties had actually been split, with the Amarillo Design Bureau (ADB) handling all of the product design, while TFG had published, and indicated what they wanted to produce. The end of TFG put everything under one house again, and ADB, Inc. spent some time picking up the pieces of nearly three years without "SFB". The first order of business, in fact, was to reprint "Basic Set" and "Advanced Missions" which had been out of stock for about three years at this point. While they were at it, all the errata and questions were evaluated, and many sections of the rules were re-written in an effort to make the game clearer. These editions featured new cover colors and a '1999' legend at the bottom of the cover to show when they were printed.

The time period between the last products from TFG, and ADB's announcement that they had re-secured the rights to the system were not entirely without new material. Bruce Graw published "Star Fleet Times" as an "SFB" newsletter about ten times a year, mostly during what was afterward called 'The Interregnum'. Its run ended with issue 50 in 2000, as it was considered that the internet served the same purpose (a regular way for the fans to keep in touch) much more efficiently.

FBOL and Print On Demand

Since then, ADB, Inc. has gotten everything back in print, released a number of new products, and has seen the number of SFB players slowly grow again. This is in part due to the fact that it has a strong on-line community, encouraged by the company forum, and the existence of "SFBOL".

"Star Fleet Battles On-Line" is a software client developed by Symbiotic Games that allows a person to play "SFB" against other people on the internet. While it does still require a personal understanding of the rules to play, the client does contain all the record-keeping functions of the game, and provides for some easier handling of places that require 'simultaneous' decisions (which have always been difficult in normal face-to-face play).

In the meantime, ADB continues to try to serve the "SFB" community with new products, and new ways to do products. Currently, they only have to go to a regular printing company for counters and color covers. These are then stockpiled, and when an order comes in, in-house (black-and-white) printers run the interiors, and other in-house machines do the binding and trimming. This 'print on demand' process allows greater freedom in product releases, and warehouse storage, and all recent products use this system.

tar Fleet Universe

One of the notable things about "Star Fleet Battles" is that it has always endeavored to keep a consistent background that all the ships and races come from. This started out as the distillation of current Star Trek lore, but soon started adding its own touches as gaps were perceived in structure. With the rebirth of Star Trek as an active film franchise, the 'SFU' started diverging sharply from canon Star Trek, as the producers ignored anything from fan productions, and "SFB"'s own licence did not allow them to use the new material. Due to several factors, the SFU has re-interpreted several things, and in some places only bears a passing resemblance to the show that gave it birth.

However, the structure of the history itself is sound, as most things are added with an eye to how it fits in with everything that is already known. As a result, the SFU has a history that covers (in various products) a span of about 130 years. Thanks to the fact Steve Cole has been the guiding influence from start to finish, the SFU has far fewer inconsistencies than the canon Star Trek universe.


While everything published for the SFU takes place in the same continuity (discounting some alternate timeline scenarios), there are several separate areas that have been presented that have little to no contact in the known timeline. The vast majority of products published for "Star Fleet Battles" is set in the 'Alpha-octant' (sometimes called 'Alpha-sector', but that is actually just a part of the area covered), which includes all the races known from "The Original Series". Other settings include:
*The Early Years - The era covering the emergence of the various Alpha Octant empires in the dawn of tactical warp starships, including two races (mostly) exclusive to this era, the Carnivons and Paravians. Other settings have subsequently included equivalent Early Years data, such as that seen for the Magellanic races.
*Omega (generally called 'Omega sector', more properly 'Omega-octant'): an area just as large as the Alpha-octant in the Milky Way Galaxy, but with a more varied history, and separated from Alpha by a large void.
*Magellanics: The Small Magellanic Cloud, long known as the place that the Andromedans staged their invasion of the galaxy from, the recently released "Module C5" presents the history of the indigenous races of the SMC and the initial Andromedan conquest of them.
*Triangulum: an entirely new area, the Triangulum Galaxy, which has only been featured in the "Module E2" playtest pack so far.

Game System

Gameplay and mechanics

The "Star Fleet Battles" game system rests on several fundamental ideas, out of which the rest of the system grows. Part of the perceived difficulty of the game is that all of these are more complicated to explain than to use.

First, the movement system (and turn structure with it) departs from the traditional 'everyone takes a turn in order' structure used in the vast majority of games. Instead, a proportional movement system is used, where a little bit of the total movement for all players is resolved at a time, so that each can see what is happening and respond to it. This avoids the usual problems with moving long distances without any fire or reactions happening, and keeps in mind that everything is moving at the same time.

Second, it is assumed that while faster than light starships produce prodigious amounts of energy just for the needs of propulsion, there is not enough energy available to perform every possible function simultaneously. Therefore, each ship has to fill out an Energy Allocation form at the beginning of a turn, and 'pay' for all the functions (like weapons) that it can then use during the turn.

And third, each ship has a display of systems (a Ship Systems Display, or SSD) that acts as a schematic diagram of a particular ship in play. Each class in the game has an individualized SSD, and most expansions revolve around providing new classes and 'variants' of ships to the game, with new SSDs. These displays consist of check-off boxes for all the ships abilities (how powerful the engines are, how many transporters there are, etc.) in the general layout of the ship, along with general reference information for that ship (tracks for limited-ammo weapons, weapons fire charts, and more).

Fourth, it differs from many wargames, in that each unit is not simply a set of offensive and defensive numerical ratings; rather, each ship has a variety of individual weapons and resources, each employing their own tactics and counter-tactics. Thus players are able to utilize, e.g, marines, shuttles, tractor beams, electronic counter-measures, etc., and use many more tactics than in the average wargame, requiring much more documentation. It is this which allows the game to become a science-fiction experience, and puts it in concert with many literary elements of Star Trek.


Since the introduction of "Commander's Edition" the rules have been organized with lettered major chapters, followed by a number to indicate a major rule. Then follows a decimal, and a series of numbers indicating the breakdown into subsections. (For instance, (D6.683) is the third subsection of (D6.68) Disrupted Fire Control, which is the eighth subsection of (D6.6) Active Fire Control, which is the sixth section of (D6.0) Fire Control Systems, which is the sixth rule in (D0.0) Combat.) Chapter R is an exception; as it is a listing of every ship type in the game, the number after the decimal is a sequental number identifier. e.g., (R2.12) is the Police Cutter, the eleventh Federation ship in the game (as (R2.1) is background information). Occasionally, a chapter might have sub-chapters, which are indicated with two letters.

All of this may seem (and is) complicated, but is a consequence of the exceptionally wide ranging nature of the rules, and the need to identify exactly what will happen under usually-obscure circumstances. To aid in this, a fair amount of the rules are actually dedicated to cross-referencing other rules sections. As it is, the designers made an effort to ensure that there isn't any 'unaddressed interactions' between different rules, if there is a possible interaction, it is covered. The result is that many newer players can be intimidated by the sheer bulk of the rulebook.

As all the rules numbers were kept strictly intact from "Commander's" to "Captain's Edition SFB", the presentation of rules numbers occasionally jump around in current products, as they are presented in the products that make the most sense, rather than in the order in which they were introduced in "Commander's Edition".


This is a list of all products released for "Captain's Edition SFB", including a few permanently out-of-print ones, but excluding ones that have been replaced by later products, with the dates of all revisions of the product. [ [ Star Fleet Universe Update List] , retrieved September 2007]

*"Basic Set" (1990) (1994) (1999) (2005): Needed for all other sets. Boxed set. Basic and intermediate rules, with a few advanced concepts. Has Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Kzintis, Gorns, Tholians, and Orion Pirates.
*"Advanced Missions" (1990) (1999): Introduces various advanced rules, and ships for all races in "Basic Set". Boxed set.
*"Module A+: Captain's Yeoman": Play aids. Originally "Module A: Battlecards", published slightly before 'Doomsday'.
*"Module B:" Maps with pre-printed terrain on them (asteroid fields, gas giants...). Out of print.
*"Module C1: New Worlds I" (1991) (1994) (1999): Rules and ships for three races from previous editions: Hydrans, Lyrans, and WYN.
*"Module C2: New Worlds II" (1991) (1994) (1999): Rules and ships for three races from previous editions: Andromedans, ISC, and Neo-Tholians.
*"Module C3: New Worlds III" (1993) (2004): Rules and ships for new races: Andromedans (bases), WYN ('fish' ships), Seltorians, and LDR.
*"Module C4: Fleet Training Centers" (1995): Rules and ships for 'simulator races'. These have no part in actual SFU history, but were published for new tactical challenges.
*"Module C5: The Magellanic Cloud" (2006): A new setting with new races for "SFB", all based in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
*"Module D3: Booms and Saucers" (1993): SSDs for separated Federation saucers and Klingon booms.
*"Module E2: Triangulum Galaxy": Playtest/preview pack for a new setting with new races.
*"Module F1: The Jindarians" (1995) (2005): Presents a single new Alpha-octant race.
*"Module F2: The Vudar Enclave" (2005): Presents a single new Alpha-octant race.
*"Module G2: Master Annexes" (2004): All the annexes (listings that give miscellaneous ship capabilities), updated for all products through the end of 2004.
*"Module H1: Megahex" (2005): Color 1" ship counters. The first two sheets are the same sheets that come with Federation Commander: Klingon Attack, Klingon Border, Romulan Attack and Romulan Border.
*"Module J: Fighters" (1991) (1994): Rules that detail the use of fighters, particularly in combat against other fighters.
*"Module J2: Advanced Fighters" (2002): Presents new carrier types, and several advanced options for use with fighters.
*"Module K: Fast Patrol Ships" (1991) (2000): All the rules needed for the operations of PFs, short-range, diminutive ships and their tenders.
*"Module M: Marines" (1995) (2008): Advanced boarding party and ground combat rules. Presented all as one perfect-bound book. 2008 edition features separate rule and diagram books.
*"Module P: Galactic Smorgasbord" (1995): A medley of preview/playtest scenarios from planned upcoming modules.
*"Module R1: Bases & Auxiliaries" (1992): Extra ships, and player reference.
*"Module R2: Federation, Kzinti, Andro, Orion" (1992): Extra ships from previous editions.
*"Module R3: Klingon, Hydran, Lyran, WYN" (1992) (2000): Extra ships from previous editions.
*"Module R4: Romulan, Gorn, Tholian, ISC" (1992) (2001) (2002): Extra ships from previous editions.
*"Module R5: Battleships" (1992) (1994): New heavy ships for most races. First all-new Captain's product.
*"Module R6: The Fast Warships" (1995) (2000): New ship types for most races.
*"Module R7: Dreadnoughts at War" (1999): New ship types for most races.
*"Module R8: System Defense Command" (2004): Old ship types upgraded to newer technology for local defense.
*"Module R9: The Ships That Never Were" (2004): (And a few that were that shouldn't have been.)
*"Module R10: The New Cruisers" (2003): Variants for all the New Heavy Cruisers.
*"Module R11: Support Ships" (2007): Mostly non-front line, or 'support echelon' ships, but with a good number of combat ships as well.
*"Module S1: Scenario Book One" (1992): Book full of scenarios, mostly adapted from earlier editions. Contains asteroid map from "Module B".
*"Module S2: Scenario Book Two" (1994): Book full of scenarios, generally all-new. Contains 'Blackfoot Pass' map from "Module B".
*"Module T: Tournament Battles" (2000): Contains a guide to running sanctioned tournaments, which rules are used in tournaments, and SSDs for the balanced tournament cruisers.
*"Module TR: Tournament Reference" (2001): Gives all of the race, weapon, and technology rules needed strictly for tournament play. (Also requires Basic set.)
*"Module W: Space Battle Maps" (2001): Large map with 1.25" hexes, and color cutouts for use as terrain.
*"Module X1: X-Ships" (1994): Rules for late-era advanced ships.
*"Module X1R: X-Ship Reinforcements" (2008): More X-Ships and associated support vessels.
*"Module Y1: The Early Years" (2000): Rules for early era ships from the dawn of tactical warp drive.
*"Module Ω1: The Omega Sector" (1999): First in a series detailing a separate setting for "SFB".
*"Module Ω2: Omega Reinforcements" (2000)
*"Module Ω3: The Omega Wars" (2000)
*"Module Ω4: The Omega Rebellion" (2002)
*"Module Ω5: Omega Flotillas" (2008)
*"Omega Master Rulebook" (2007): Compete, updated combined rulebook containing all the rules from Omega Modules one through four. Also included all material from Captain's Logs as well as new material including A complete and updated Sequence of Play.
*"Tactics Manual" (1991) (2000): Discussions on how to play the game well, covering general concepts and tactics for individual races.
*"Campaign Designer's Handbook": A 'how to' book for setting up a campaign system for "SFB".

Master Rule Book

Recently, ADB has started releasing a set of 'Master' products. These are intended as a compilation of all the system into a single source, instead of needing to either constantly refer to different products, or tear them apart to integrate them by hand. Existing products are:
*"Master Rule Book" (2004): Has all the rules from Basic Set, Advanced Missions, C1, C2, C3, J, J2, K, M, X, and Y1. It is the most up-to date and comprehensive version of the rules available, but does not include ship descriptions, scenarios or annexes. Until the rest of the system is available, this is not suitable for a new player unless he has a friend who has those things available already. Replacement pages are occasionally made available, and the set is currently (April 2006) on Revision B. As this is a print on demand item, new orders are new printings with all available updates.
*"Module G2: Master Annexes" (2004): This module contains annexes with info for all Alpha-octant races in every product published through the end of 2004 (including Captain's Logs).

Also planned are the "Master Ship Book", a compilation of all the Alpha-octant ship listings; the "Master SSD Book(s)"; and the "Master Scenario Book". A full set of all these products should provided everything needed other than maps and counters. According to the latest release schedule on the official ADB, inc. website, "Module G3: Master Annexes 3", will be published in April, 2008 and replace Module G2.


External links

* [ ADB's Star Fleet Universe Home Page]
* [ ADB's Star Fleet Battles Home Page]
* [ SFB online] resources for playing online version
* [ List of online SFB player resources]
* [ ADB's Discussion Board Star Fleet Battles section]
* [ Star Fleet Battles Web Ring]

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  • Star Trek games — The enduring popularity of the Star Trek science fiction franchise has led to numerous games in many different formats, beginning in 1967 with a board game based on . Board games * Star Trek game, ages 4 10, produced by Hasbro (early 1970 s) *… …   Wikipedia

  • Star-Trek-Spiele — Arcade Spiel Star Trek (Sega, 1982) Ausgehend von Star Trek wurden zahlreiche Spiele entwickelt. Hier werden nur offiziell lizenzierte Spiele aufgeführt, die Liste der inoffiziellen Star Trek Spiele ist wesentlich länger und reicht bis in die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Star Trek: Armada — Ausgehend von Star Trek wurden zahlreiche Spiele entwickelt. Hier werden nur offiziell lizenzierte Spiele aufgeführt, die Liste der inoffiziellen Star Trek Spiele ist wesentlich länger und reicht bis in die 70er Jahre zurück. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Star Trek: Armada 2 — Ausgehend von Star Trek wurden zahlreiche Spiele entwickelt. Hier werden nur offiziell lizenzierte Spiele aufgeführt, die Liste der inoffiziellen Star Trek Spiele ist wesentlich länger und reicht bis in die 70er Jahre zurück. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Star Trek: Armada II — Ausgehend von Star Trek wurden zahlreiche Spiele entwickelt. Hier werden nur offiziell lizenzierte Spiele aufgeführt, die Liste der inoffiziellen Star Trek Spiele ist wesentlich länger und reicht bis in die 70er Jahre zurück. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Star Trek: Legacy — Ausgehend von Star Trek wurden zahlreiche Spiele entwickelt. Hier werden nur offiziell lizenzierte Spiele aufgeführt, die Liste der inoffiziellen Star Trek Spiele ist wesentlich länger und reicht bis in die 70er Jahre zurück. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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