PPCC can be an acronym for
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
*Pikes Peak Community College
*Països Catalans (i.e. Catalan Countries)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
PPCC can be an acronym for
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
PPCC — Provisioning Production Contract Code (Governmental » Military) … Abbreviations dictionary
PPCC — abbr. PEOPLES PREFERRED CAP CP NASDAQ … Dictionary of abbreviations
Probability plot correlation coefficient plot — Many statistical analyses are based on distributional assumptions about the population from which the data have been obtained. However, distributional families can have radically different shapes depending on the value of the shape parameter.… … Wikipedia
Jim Prentice — L honorable P. E. James Prentice C.P., appelé communément Jim Prentice, (né le 20 juillet, 1956, à South Porcupine, Timmins, Ontario) est un avocat et un homme politique canadien. Il est actuellement ministre de l environnement au sein du… … Wikipédia en Français
Pikes Peak Community College — {| class= infobox style= width: 20em; font size: 90%; ! colspan= 2 style= font size: 120%; text align: center; | Pikes Peak Community College Established1968 Type Community College Academic Calendar Semester President Dr. Anthony G. Kinkel… … Wikipedia
Tukey lambda distribution — Formalized by John Tukey, the Tukey lambda distribution is a continuous probability distribution defined in terms of its quantile function. It is typically used to identify an appropriate distribution (see the comments below) and not used in… … Wikipedia
Ufology — is a neologism coined to describe the collective efforts of those who study unidentified flying object reports and associated evidence. Not all ufologists believe that UFOs are necessarily extraterrestrial spacecraft, or even that they are… … Wikipedia
Frange d'Aragon — Communes et zones qui composent La Franja. On appelle Frange d’Aragon (Franja de Aragón en castillan, Franja de ponent/Franja d Aragó en catalan, Francha d Aragón en aragonais) le territoire de langue catalane situé dans la Communauté autonome d… … Wikipédia en Français
Frange d'Aragón — Frange d Aragon Communes et zones qui composent La Franja. On appelle Frange d’Aragon (Franja de Aragón en castillan, Franja d Aragó en catalan, Francha d Aragón en aragonais) le territoire de langue catalane situé dans la Communauté autonome d… … Wikipédia en Français
Management of depression — Depression, for the purposes of this article, refers to the mental disorder known as major depressive disorder. This kind of depression is a recognized clinical condition and is becoming a common condition in developed countries, where up to 20%… … Wikipedia