List of law schools in the United States

List of law schools in the United States

This is a list of law schools in the United States. Law schools are listed in alphabetical order by state, then name. Most of the law schools listed grant the Juris Doctor degree, which is the typical first professional degree in law in the United States. Alaska is the only state without a law school. Law schools are nationally accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA), and graduates of these schools may generally sit for the bar exam in any state. There are 196 American Bar Association accredited law schools, divided between 188 with full accreditation and 8 with provisional accreditation. The ABA maintains a [ list of ABA approved law schools] .

For an explanation of ABA accreditation, see [ ABA Accreditation Process] . In addition, individual state legislatures or bar examiners like the State Bar of California may maintain a separate accreditation system which is open to non-ABA accredited schools.

Unaccredited and correspondence law schools, which include online or distance learning law schools, are currently registered by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California and have met the registration requirements specified in Rule XIX of the Rules Regulating Admission to Practice Law in California (Admission Rules).

If that is the case, graduates of these schools must first sit for the bar exam in the state in which their school is accredited and have their license in appropriate standing before becoming eligible to sit for the bar exam in other states. No online or correspondence law schools are accredited by the ABA [ [] ABA-CLE Career Resource Center ] or state bar examiners, such as California's [ [] Law Schools ] and the eligibility of their graduates to sit for the bar exam may vary from state to state. [Even in California, for instance, the State Bar deems [ certain online schools] as "registered," meaning their graduates may take the bar exam, but also specifically says the "Committee of Bar Examiners does not approve nor accredit correspondence schools." Kentucky goes further by [ specifically disqualifying correspondence school graduates] from taking the bar exam.]


ee also

*Law school in the United States
*Law school rankings in the United States
*Legal education in the United States
*Lists of law schools
*List of Law School GPA Curves
*List of Law Schools by United States Supreme Court Justices trained
*List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States by education
*Online law school

External links

* [ List of ABA approved law schools]
* [ Law Schools] , State Bar of California
* [ List of Law Schools in United States of America]
* [ Law School Admissions Message Board]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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