Bell jar

Bell jar

Infobox Laboratory equipment
name = Bell Jar

caption = Bell Jar Apparatus during low-pressure test
uses = Enclosing objects or containing gases or a vacuum

A bell jar is a piece of laboratory glassware similar in shape to a bell. A bell jar is placed on a base which is vented to a hose fitting, which can be connected via a hose to a vacuum pump. By pumping the air out of the bell jar, a vacuum is formed.

Bell jars are generally used for classroom demonstrations or by hobbyists, when only a relatively low-quality vacuum is required. Cutting-edge research that needs an ultra high vacuum requires a more sophisticated form of vacuum chamber.

An example classroom science experiment involving a bell jar is to place a ringing alarm clock under the bell jar. As the air is pumped out of the sealed bell jar, the noise of the alarm clock fades, thus demonstrating that the propagation of sound is mediated by the air. Deprived of its medium, the sound cannot travel.

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  • Bell jar — (Phys.) A glass vessel, varying in size, open at the bottom and closed at the top like a bell, and having a knob or handle at the top for lifting it. It is used for a great variety of purposes; as, with the air pump, and for holding gases, also… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • bell jar — n. bell shaped glass jar or cover for displaying and protecting delicate objects; bell shaped glass container (closed at top and open at bottom) used in laboratories for keeping gases or vacuum under control during vacuum and chemical experiments …   English contemporary dictionary

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