Dimitry Pospielovsky

Dimitry Pospielovsky

Dimitry Pospielovsky (born 1935) (Russian: Дмитрий Поспеловский, Dmitry Pospelovsky) is a historian, a professor emeritus of history at the University of Western Ontario. Pospielovsky is a prominent researcher in the history of the Russian Orthodoxy.[1]

He also published a number of articles, in English and Russian, on other issues of Russian history, in particular, on workers' movement at the times of Russian Revolutions and on Russian nationalism.


  • Pravoslavnaia tserkov’ v istorii Rusi, Rossii i SSSR. Moscow (1996) ISBN 5-87507-019-6
  • The Russian Church Under the Soviet Regime, 1917-1982 (Volume 1). St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (June, 1984) ISBN 0-88141-015-2
  • Soviet Antireligious Campaigns and Persecutions (History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice and the Believers, Vol 2) Palgrave Macmillan (November, 1987), ISBN 0-312-00905-4
  • Soviet Studies on the Church and the Believer's Response to Atheism: A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice and the Believers, Vol 3, Palgrave Macmillan (August, 1988) hardcover: ISBN 0-312-01291-8, paperback: ISBN 0-312-01292-6
  • A History of Marxist-Leninist Atheism and Soviet Antireligious Policies, Palgrave Macmillan (December, 1987) ISBN 0-312-38132-8
  • Russian police trade unionism: Experiment or provocation? (research monograph), Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1971) ISBN 0-297-00355-0
    • (Expanded and translated into Russian) На путях к рабочему праву. Профсоюзы в России ("On the Roads to the Workers' Right. Trade Unuions in Russia"), Posev, 1987
  • (with Janis Sapiets and Keith Bosley) Russia's Underground Poets, Praeger (1968) ASIN B000AY6VNQ
  • Тоталитаризм и вероисповедание ("Totalitarianism and Faith"). М.: Библейско-богословский институт святого апостола Андрея, (2003) ISBN 5-89647-074-6 (Need a good Russian source)



  1. ^ Daniel, Wallace L. (2006). The Orthodox Church and civil society in Russia. Texas A&M University Press. pp. 208–. ISBN 9781585445233. http://books.google.com/books?id=eVrkyyayVAkC&pg=PA208. Retrieved 29 June 2011. 

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