List of compositions by Antonio Salieri

List of compositions by Antonio Salieri

This list of compositions by Antonio Salieri is a list of the musical compositions of Antonio Salieri (August 18, 1750 – May 7, 1825), organized by genre.

ecular vocal music


**"La vestale" (1769), lost
**"Don Chisciotte alle nozze di Gamace" (1770)
**"L'amore innocente" (1770)
**"Le donne letterate" (1770)
**"Armida" (1771)
**"La moda ossia Gli scompligi domestici" (1771), Pasticcio, parts of second and third act by Salieri
**"Il barone di Rocca Antica" (1772)
**"La fiera di Venezia" (1772)
**"La secchia rapita" (1772)
**"La locandiera" (1773)
**"La calamità de' cuori" (1774)
**"La finta scema" (1775)
**"Delmita e Daliso" (1776)
**"Europa riconosciuta" (1778)
**"La scuola de' gelosi" (1778, second version 1783)
**"Il talismano" (1779), first act by Salieri, second and third act by Giacomo Rust
**"La partenza inaspettata" (1779)
**"La dama pastorella" (1780)
**"Der Rauchfangkehrer" (1781)
**"Semiramide" (1782)
**"Ifigenia in Tauride" (1783), fragment
**"Il ricco d'un giorno" (1784)
**"Les Danaïdes" (1784)
**"La grotta di Trofonio" (1785)
**"Les Horaces" (1786)
**"Prima la musica e poi le parole" (1786)
**"Cublai, gran Kan de' Tartari" (1786-88), premiered posthumously in Würzburg, 1998
**"Tarare" (1787)
**"Axur, re d'Ormus" (1788)
**"Il talismano" (1788)
**"Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti" (1789), unfinished
**"La scuola degli amanti ossia Così fan tutte" (ca. 1789), fragment
**"Il pastor fido" (1789)
**"La cifra" (1789)
**"Le couronnement de Tarare" (1790), addition to "Tarare"
**"Catilina" (1790-92), premiered posthumously in Darmstadt, 1994
**"Il mondo alla rovescia" (1792, premiered in 1795)
**"Palmira, regina di Persia" (1795)
**"Eraclito e Democrito" (1795)
**"Il Moro" (1796)
**"I tre filosofi" (1797), fragment
**"Falstaff" (1799)
**"Cesare in Farmacusa" (1800)
**"L'Angiolina, ossia Il matrimonio per sussurro" (1800)
**"Annibale in Capua" (1801)
**"Die Neger" (1802, premiered in 1804)
**"La bella selvaggia" (1802), not performed in Salieri's lifetime
**"Danaus" (ca. 1807), German version of "Les Danaïdes"
**"Die Generalprobe", fragment
**"Das Posthaus", lost fragment

Insertion arias and ensembles

**"Addio carina bella" (Meng.) aria in G major for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Affé questa sera grandissima" - "Una domina? Una nipote?" (Don Anchise) arie & recitative for bass and orchestra (1775?), for P. Anfossi's "La finta giardiniera"?
**"Ah ciel che noja è questa" - fragment -
**"Ah dove amici" recitative for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Ah non siete ogni si facile" (Tenast) aria for tenor and orchestra, for?
**"Alla speranza" (Galatea) aria for soprano and Orchestra, for?
**"All'idea del gran mistero" aria in A major for soprano, choir and orchestra, for?
**"Anch'io nello specchio talora" aria in E major for soprano and orchestra (1771), for?
**"Cedo l'intatto pegno" (Dely - Davidde) duet for soprano, tenor and orchestra, for?
**"Che mi s'appresti?" (Capitano) aria in C major for bass and orchestra (1775), for?
**" [...] che strane vicende" (Ros. - Fior. - Pasq. - Fulg.) fragmentary finale of an opera (Atto II), for A. Felici's "La novità"?
**"Chi vuol la zingara" Duett für zwei Soprane und Orchester, für?
**"Dall'uso parigino il bello, il sopraffino" aria in C major for soprano and orchestra (1773), for?
**"Del morir le angoscie adesso" scene and aria for tenor and orchestra
**"Denke nicht der Zeit der Schmerzen" duet for soprano, tenor and orchestra, for?
**"Dico sol, che la padrona" (Lena) aria for soprano and orchestra, for "La Locandiera"?
**"D'oro saranno i letti" (Fulg.) aria in D major for bass and orchestra (1775), for?
**"Dottorini saputelli" (Clar.) arie for soprano and orchestra (1774), for?
**"Eccomi al punto ch'io già tanta temei" fragmentary aria for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Fate largo al gran Pasquino" (Pasquino) aria in D major for bass and orchestra (1775), for A. Felici's "La novità"?
**"Figlia mia diletta" trio for soprano, tenor, bass and orchestra, for?
**"Fra tanto pietre brune" (Polidoro) recitative for bass and orchestra (1785?), für D. Cimarosa's "L'Italiana in Londra"?
**"Gelosia d'amore è figlia" aria for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Goder lasciatemi" (Gianetta) aria for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Gran diavolo!" (Uberto) aria in F major for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Guarda in quel volto" aria in E flat major for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Ho perduto la mia pace" (Brettone) aria for tenor and orchestra (1775), for G. Paisiello's "L'innocenza fortunata"?
**"Ho stampato libri in foglio" aria for tenor and orchestra, for?
**"Il pargoletto amabile" aria in A major for tenor and orchestra, for?
**"In tuo favore mi parla il core" duet for two sopranos and orchestra, for?
**"Io contento", recitative, for?
**"Io di nuovo vel ripeto" aria for soprano and orchestra (1777), for?
**"Io lo dico e il posso dire" trio for alto, tenor, bass and orchestra, for?
**"Io non so che pensare" recitative and cavatina for tenor and orchestra, for?
**"La donna è sempre instabile" (Belfusio) aria for tenor and orchestra, for "La fiera di Venezia"?
**"La mia morosa me l'ha fatta" (Sandrina) aria for soprano and orchestra, for "Il talismano"?
**"L'amour est un dieu" Canzone for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"La sposa se cedo" aria for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Le diras, che il campione" (Gusman) aria for bass and orchestra (1775), for?
**"Le Inconvenienze teatrali" quartet for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra, for?
**"L'introduco immantinente" - "Quando ho visto il dottorino" (Rosina) recitative and aria for soprano and orchestra (1776), for "La finta scema"
**"Madame vezzosissima" (Zeffirina - Valerio) fragmentary recitative and duet, for?
**"Ma quai mali intorno al core" aria for tenor and orchestra
**"Ma quale agli occhi miei" (Conte) recitative, for?
**"Mia vaga Dorilla" aria for Bass and orchestra (1775), for B. Galuppi's "Il marchese villano"
**"Moriam, moriam mia vita" recitative and duet for soprano, tenor and orchestra, for?
**"Nel mio seno" aria, for?
**"Non per parlar d'amore" (Laurina) aria in E flat major for soprano and orchestra, for N. Piccinni's "L'astretta"
**"Non temer che d'altri" (Falsirena) aria for soprano and orchestra (1779), for "La fiera di Venezia"
**"Non veste alla moda" (Aga.) aria for bass and orchestra (1774), for?
**"Non vi fidate" aria for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Oh che donna che matta" (Peppino), recitative, for?
**"Oh me infelice - Allor potrei" recitative and aria, for?
**"Oh qual sorpasso giubilo" (Pilemone) aria in F major für bass and orchestra, for "Eraclito e Democrito"?
**"Oh quanti veggarsi" (Cardano) aria for tenor and orchestra, for "Il talismano"?
**"Oh sancte inviete" aria for soprano and orchestra (1775), for?
**"Padrona stimatissima" (Pasquino) aria in D major for bass and orchestra, for A. Felici's "La novità"?
**"Parlaste d'un cappone" aria for bass and orchestra (1776), for?
**"Pasquino avrà quest'ora" recitative, for A. Felici's "La novità"?
**"Paterio giudizio" aria for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Per amore io già vancillo" (Perillo) aria for tenor and orchestra (1770), for?
**"Perder sogetto amato" duet for two sopranos and orchestra, for?
**"Per voi s'avanzi" aria for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Qual densa notte" (Artalice - Chabri - Nehemia - Chor) finale of an opera, for?
**"Quando sarà mia sposa" (Capitano) aria for bass and orchestra (1775), for?
**"Quest'è un mar di confusione" quartet for sopran, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra, for?
**"Rasserena nel tuo barbaro" fragmentary aria, for?
**"Sans argent et sans crédit" (Boschetto - Pirati - Lauretta) scene with orchestra (1768), for?
**"Scomodarmi da palazzo e trattarmi in questa guisa" aria in F major for soprano and orchestra (1775), for?
**"Se amor m'ha dato in testa, se mi far delirare" aria for soprano and orchestra (1776), for?
**"Se credessi di volare" (Peppino) aria in E flat major for bass and orchestra (1774), for?
**"Se Dio veder tu vuoi" (Achio - Azia) duet, for?
**"Se tu vedessi il core" (Isabella) aria in G major for soprano and strings, for B. Galuppi's "Il villano geloso"
**"Signor mio scrivete bene" (Pasquino) aria in F major for bass and orchestra (1775), for A. Felici's "La novità"?
**"S'odo, o duce" (Epponina - Voadice - Sabino - Arminio - Annio) finale of an opera (1785?), for G. Sarti's "Giulio Sabino"
**"Son dama, ma so l'arte ancor delle plebe" (Polissena) aria in B flat major for soprano and orchestra (1774), for G. Paisiello's "Il tamburo (notturno)"
**"Son nipote d'un togato" (Isabella) aria in F major for soprano and strings, for B. Galuppi's "Il villano geloso"
**"Sopra il volto sbigotito" aria in E flat major for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Talor non si comprende" aria for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Tenero cor" recitative and cavatina for soprano and orchestra (1780), for?
**"Tu che ferita sei" aria for tenor and orchestra, for "Il barone di Rocca antica"?
**"Tutte le furie unite in questo petto io sento" aria for soprano and orchestra (1776), for?
**"Tutti dicon che la moglie" aria for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Una domina? una nipote?" - see: aria "Affé questa saria grandissima" -
**"Un bel marito" aria for soprano and orchestra, for?
**"Un pescatore mi pare amore" aria for bass and orchestra, for?
**"Vedi ben che queste scene" trio for soprano, alto, bass and orchestra, for?
**"Venga su la finestra" aria for tenor, choir and orchestra, for?
**"Venissi cari, l'affare è serio" (Patenio) aria for bass and orchestra (1777), for?
**"Verdammter Streich" (Mauser) aria for tenor and orchestra, for?
**" [...] vicino a perdere l'amato ben" fragmentary aria, for?
**"Villottino mio bellino" (Lisetta) aria for alto and orchestra (1775), for?
**"Vi son sposa" aria, for?
**aria (Polissena) for soprano and orchestra (1774), for G. Paisiello's "Il tamburo (notturno)"
**finale of an opera for three sopranos, two tenors, bass and orchester (1779), for "La scuola de'gelosi"?

Ballets and incidental music

**Ballet in 7 movements for "L'Europa riconosciuta" (1778)
**Ballet in 16 movements
**Ballet in 10 movements
**Ballet in 8 movements
**Fragmentary ballet
**Overture, four incidental pieces and nine choirs for "Die Hussiten vor Naumburg" by August von Kotzebue (1803)

ecular cantatas

**"Cantata per le nozze di Francesco I" for soloists, choir and orchestra (1808)
**"Der Tyroler Landsturm" for soprano, tenor, bass, choir and orchestra (1799)
**"Die vier Tageszeiten" for choir and orchestra (1819)
**"Du, dieses Bundes Fels" for choir and orchestra
**"Habsburg" for tenor, bass, choir and orchestra (1805/06)
**"Il Trionfo della Gloria e della Virtù" for two sopranos, tenor, choir and orchestra (1774 or 1775)
**"La Riconoscenza" for soprano, choir of five voices and orchestra (1796)
**"La Riconoscenza de' Tirolesi" for choir and Orchester (1800)
**"La Sconfitta di Borea" for soloists, choir and orchestra (1774 or 1775)
**"Lasset uns nahen alle" for tenor, bass, choir and Orchester
**"Le Jugement dernier" for tenor, choir and orchestra (1787/88)
**"L'Oracolo muto" for soloists, choir and orchestra (1802/03)
**"Wie eine purpur Blume" for two sopranos, choir and orchestra

ecular choirs

**"An den erwünschten Frieden im Jahr 1814" for choir and orchestra (1814)
**"An die Religion" for choir a cappella (1814)
**"Bei Gelegenheit des Friedens" for soprano solo, tenor, bass and orchestra (1800)
**"Beide reichen Dir die Hand" for choir - fragment -
**"Del redentore lo scempio" for choir and orchestra (ca. 1805)
**"Der Vorsicht Gunst beschütze, beglücktes Österreich, dich" for choir and orchestra (1813) - new version of the final movement of "Der Tyroler Landsturm" (1799) -
**"Dio serva Francesco" for choir and orchestra
**"Do re mi fa" for choir a cappella (1818)
**"Es schallen die Töne" for choir and orchestra
**"Herzliche Empfindung bey dem so lange ersehnten und nun hergestellten Frieden im Jahr 1814" for choir and orchestra (1814)
**"O Friede, reich am Heil des Herrn" - see: "Herzliche Empfindung bey dem so lange ersehnten und nun hergestellten Frieden im Jahr 1814" -
**"Hinab in den Schoß der Amphitrite" for choir and orchestra (from "Danaus"?)
**"Il piacer la gioia" for choir and orchestra
**"Ogni bosco, ogni pendice" for choir and orchestra
**"Religion, Du Himmelstochter" - see: "An die Religion" -
**"Schweb herab, o holder Seraph Friede" - see: "An den erwünschten Frieden im Jahr 1814" -
**"Schwer lag auf unserem Vaterlande" - see: "Rückerinnerung der Deutschen nell'anno 1813" -
**"Rückerinnerung der Deutschen nell'anno 1813" for choir and orchestra (1813/14)

*Songs, ensembles and canons with or without piano- ca. 340 works -

acred vocal music

Oratories and sacred cantatas

**"Davidde" for soloists, choir and orchestra (1791) - fragment -
**"Gesù al limbo" for soloists, choir and orchestra (1803)
**"La passione di Gesù Cristo" for soloists, choir and Orchester (1776)
**"Le Jugement dernier" for tenor, choir and orchestra (1787/88) - see above -
**"Saul" for soloists, choir and orchestra (1791) - fragment -

Masses und single movements

**Mass in C major for choir a cappella (1767)
**Mass in D major for choir and orchestra (1788) - called "Hofkapellmeistermesse" -
**Mass in C major for double choir and orchestra (1799) - called "Proklamationsmesse" -
**Mass in D minor for soloists, choir and orchestra (1805)
**Mass in B flat major for soloists, choir and orchestra (1809)
**Kyrie in C major for soloists, choir and orchestra (1812) - part of an unfinished mass -
**Kyrie in F major for choir and orchestra - fragment -

Requiem masses

**Requiem in c minor for soloists, choir and orchestra (1804)
**Requiem in d minor for choir and orchestra (ca. 1815-20) - fragment -


**"Ad te levavi animam meam" in E flat major for choir and orchestra
**"A solis ortu" pro Festo SS. Corporis Christi, in C major for choir and orchestra (1810)
**"Benedicam Dominum" pro Dominica 12ma post Pentecostem aut de Tempore, in B flat major for choir and orchestra
**"Confirma hoc Deus" in C major for soloists, choir and orchestra (1809)
**"Improperium" in c minor for choir a cappella
**"Justorum animae" in A major for choir and orchestra
**"Liberasti nos, Domine" pro Dominica XXIII. et ultima post Pentecostem, in D major for choir and orchestra (1799)
**"Magna opera Domini" da tempore, in D major for choir and orchestra (1810)
**"Spiritus meus" in d minor for choir and orchestra (1820)
**"Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in coelo" de SS. Trinitate, in D major for choir and orchestra
**"Veni Sancte Spiritus" in B flat major for choir and orchestra (1800)
**"Veni Sancte Spiritus" pro Festo Pentecostem, in B flat major for choir and orchestra (1805)
**"Venite gentes" in C major for double choir and orchestra (1799)
**"Vox tua mi Jesu" in C major for choir and orchestra (1774)


**"Alleluja (deinde) Bonum est" in D major for choir, strings and organ
**"Alleluja" in D major for choir and orchestra (1774) - 1788 reused as "Amen"-Fugue in the "Gloria" of the Mass in D major -
**"Assumpta est Maria" in C major for choir and orchestra (1799)
**"Audite vocem magnam" in C major for Chor und orchestra (1809)
**"Beatus vir, qui non abit" in D major for soloists, choir and orchestra
**"Benedixisti Domine" in F major for choir a cappella
**"Benedixisti Domine" in F major for choir a cappella
**"Cantate Domino omnis terra" in C major for double choir and orchestra (1799)
**"Desiderium animae" in F major for soprano, alto, bass and orchestra
**"Domine, Dominus noster" in G major for choir and orchestra (1812)
**"Dum corde pio" in C major for choir, double-bass and organ
**"Excelsus super omnes gentes Dominus" in C major for choir and orchestra (1806)
**"Gloria et honor(e)" in C major for choir and orchestra (1809)
**"Jubilate Deo" in A major for choir and orchestra
**"Justus ut palma" in B flat major for choir and orchestra
**"Lauda Sion Salvatorem" in C major for choir and orchestra (1805)
**"Laudate Dominum omnes gentes" in D major for choir and orchestra (1809)
**"Magna et mirabilia sunt opera tua" in C major for choir and orchestra (1809)
**"Magna opera Domini" in C major for chor and orchestra (1812)
**"Miserere nostri" in g minor for choir and orchestra (1805)
**"Miserere nostri" in E flat major for choir and orchestra (1803)
**"O altitudo divitiarium" in C major for choir and orchestra (1809)
**"O quam bonus et suavis est" in B flat major for soloists, choir and orchestra
**"Populi timente sanctum nomen Domini" in E flat major choir and orchestra (1778)
**"Salve Regina" in D major for choir and orchestra (1815)
**"Salve Regina" (on German words) in G major for choir and organ
**"Salve Regina" in B flat major for choir and orchestra
**"Salvum fac populum" (1805) - lost -
**"Si ambulavero in medio" in g minor for choir and orchestra (1809)
**"Sub tuum praesidium" in B flat major for choir and orchestra (1820)
**"Tui sunt coeli" in C major for choir and orchestra
**"Tui sunt coeli" in E flat major for choir and orchestra


**"Beatus vir, qui timet Dominum" in D major for two tenors, choir and orchestra
**"Confitebor Domine" in B flat major for choir and orchestra
**"De profundis" in f minor for choir, bass and organ (1815)
**"De profundis" in g minor for choir and orchestra (1815)
**"Dixit Dominus" in G major for choir and orchestra
**"Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum" in C major for choir and orchestra (1815)
**"Laudate pueri Dominum" in G major for choir of six voices and orchestra
**"Magnificat" in C major for choir and orchestra (1815)
**"Magnificat" in F major for two-part choir and orchestra (1815)


**"Litania di B.M.V." in F major for soloists, choir and orchestra
**"Litania pro Sabbato Sancto" in B flat major for choir a cappella (1820)


**"Coelestis urbs Jerusalem" Hymnus de dedicatione Ecclesiae, in A major for choir and orchestra
**"Genitori" in F major for soprano, choir and orchestra
**"In te Domine speravi" in E flat major for two sopranos and bass (1817)
**"Tantum ergo" in C major for double choir, two clarinets, four horns, four trumpets (Clarini), timpani, double-bass and organ
**"Tantum ergo" in C major for choir, two oboes, two bassoons, four trumpets (Clarini), timpani and organ
**"Tantum ergo" in C major for choir, two trumpets (Clarini), timpani and organ
**"Tantum ergo" in F major for soprano and strings (1768)
**"Te Deum laudamus" in C major for soloists, choir and orchestra (1819)
**"Te Deum laudamus" de Incoronazione, in D major for choir and orchestra (1790)
**"Te Deum laudamus" in D major for double choir and orchestra (1799) - new version of the "Te Deum" from 1790 -


**"Avertisti captivitatem Jacob" pro Dominica XXIII. et XXIV. post Pentecostem, in B flat major for choir, strings and organ
**"Beati immaculati" de Virginibus et Martyribus et de Sancto Stephano, in F major for choir, strings and organ
**"Concupiscit et deficit" in dedicatione Ecclesia et in Festo Tranfigurationis Domini, in F major for choir, strings and organ
**"Dico ergo" pro Festis Beatae Mariae Virginis, in d minor for choir, strings and organ
**"Domine exaudi vocem meam" pro Dominica XXII. post Pentecostem, in F major for choir, strings and organ
**"Et justitiam tuam" pro Festo Epiphaniae, in d minor for choir, strings and organ
**"Et psallare" pro Festo S. Joannis Apost. et S. Joannis Bapt., in B flat major for choir, strings and organ
**"Inductus est Dominus" pro Dominica infra octavem Nativitas Domini et ad secundam missam, in F major for choir, strings and organ
**"In civitate" pro Festo Purificationis Mariae et Dominica VIII. post Pentecostem, in C major for choir, strings and organ
**"In mandatis ejus" de Confessore et in Festo Sancti Joachim, in g minor for choir, strings and organ
**"Jubilate Deo Jacob" pro Dominica in albis, pro Feria II. post Pentecostem et in solemnitate corporis Christi, in d minor for choir, strings and organ
**"Jubilate Deo" pro Festo St. Januarii Episcopus et Mart., pro Festo Ascensionis Domini, in F major for choir, strings and organ
**"Laetentur insulae" pro Dominica III., IV., V., VI. post Epiphaniam, in F major for choir, strings and organ
**"Ne quando taceas" pro Dominica VI. post Pentecostem, in d minor for choir, strings and organ
**"Neque celaveris" de Confessore, in B flat major for choir, strings and organ
**"Quam admirabile est nomen tuum" pro Festo Sanctissime Trinitatis, in d minor for choir, strings and organ
**"Tu cognovisti" pro Festo Sanctorum Apostolorum, in d minor for choir, strings and organ

Motets and sacred arias and chants

**"Audimus Dei verbum" - lost -
**"Contra vos, o monstra horrenda" in B flat major, motet for soprano, choir and orchestra (1769)
**"Cor meum conturbatum" in g minor for choir and orchestra
**"Ecce enim veritatem" in G major for bass, three violas, double-bass and organ
**"Fremat tirannus" in C major, motet for soprano, choir and orchestra (1778)
**"Magna est virtus" - lost -
**"Misericordius Dominus" in E flat major, duet for soprano, bass, violine and orchestra
**"O mortales, festinate" in B flat major, aria for soprano, clarinet and orchestra
**"Quae est illa" in B flat major, aria in honorem B.V.M. for soprano, oboe, strings and organ
**"Quem terra pontus sidera" in A major for soprano and orchestra
**"Salve Jesu pie" duet - lost -
**"Tu es spes mea, Domine" for soprano, flute, oboe and orchestra

Instrumental music


**Concerto for oboe, violin, violoncello and orchestra in D major (1770)
**Concerto for organ and orchestra in C major (1773) - second movement lost -
**Concerto for piano and orchestra in C major (1773)
**Concerto for piano and orchestra in B flat major (1773)
**Concerto for flute, oboe and orchestra in C major (1774)
**Concertino da camera for flute and strings G major (1777)

ymphonies, overtures and variations

**Symphonie in D major "Il Giorno onomastico" (1775)
**Symphonie in D major "La Veneziana" (built from overtures to "La Scuola de'gelosi" and "La Partenza inaspettata")
**Three minuets for orchestra
**26 Variations on "La Follia di Spagna" for orchestra (1815)
**Allegretto in D major for orchestra
**Symphonie (ouverture) in C major - overture to "Habsburg" -
**Overture "La Frascatana"
**Fragmentary Symphonie (overture) in G major
**Fragmentary movement for bassoons and strings


**"Picciola Serenata" in B flat major for 2 oboes, 2 horns and bassoon (1778)
**Serenade in B major for 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns and double-bass
**Serenade in C major for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns and double-bass (alternative version of the serenade in B flat major for seven instruments)
**Serenade in F major for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns and double-bass
**Cassation in C major for 2 oboes, 2 English horns, 2 bassoons and 2 horns
**Three trios in G major, E flat major and C major for 2 Oboes and bassoon
**"Armonia per und tempio della notte" in E flat major for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons and 2 horns (ca. 1795)


**11 Marches for orchestra (ca. 1804)
**March for wind ensemble "Prägt tief in eure Herzen, Brüder"
**"Parademarsch" in C major for wind ensemble
**March "Die Landwehr" (1809)
**March in honour of Gassmann in C major for orchestra (1820)

Chamber music

**4 Scherzi armonici istrumentali for string quartet
**Fugue for string quartet (tema H.! b.e.n. Die m. ist ein s. Ma non il testo)
**Fugue for three instruments
**Fugue in C major for two instruments (1818)
**Fugue in E flat major for two instruments (Tema Kerscorchiano)
**6 little pieces for piano
**6 pieces for guitar - lost -

Revisions of other composers' works and joint compositions with other composers

**"La Betulia liberata" by Florian Leopold Gassmann: abridgements in recitatives and arias, and additional choirs taken from other compositions of Gassmann's (1820)
**"Il Talismano": joint composition by Salieri (first act) and Giacomo Rust (second and third act) (1779)
**"Iphigénie en Tauride" by Christoph Willibald Gluck: Italian version called "Ifigenia in Tauride" in Lorenzo Da Ponte's translation (1783)
**"Per la ricuperata salute di Ofelia" for voice and piano: joint composition by Salieri, Mozart and Cornetti (1785) - lost -
**"Requiem" by Niccolò Jommelli: additional instrumentation of two oboes, two bassoons and two trombones (for Christoph Willibald Gluck's solemn requiem on April 8th 1788)
**"Stabat Mater" in F minor by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: version for soloists, choir and orchestra, instrumentation by Franz Xaver Süssmayr

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