Media in Poland

Media in Poland

Media and politics

Poland has instituted freedom of press since the fall of communism. However, public TV and radio are still politically controlled, via a state regulatory body called "Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji" ("The National Radio and Television Committee"), which is similar to CRTC in Canada.
It is said that both public and private media are not impartial, and used as means for political propaganda. Various irregularities have been exposed during the investigation by a special parliamentary committee into the "Lew Rywin affair".

TV stations

TVP – public broadcaster
* TVP 1
* TVP 2
* TVP Info (regional and news)
* TVP Polonia (for Poles abroad)
* TVP Kultura (cultural)
* TVP Sport
* TVP Rozrywka (entertainment, starting late 2007)
* TVP Dokument (documentaries, starting late 2007)
* TVP Historia (history)
* TVP Parlament (parliamentary channel, planned)
* Belsat (in Belarusian language)

Polsat – private
* Polsat
* Polsat 2 International
* Polsat Sport
* Polsat Zdrowie i Uroda (health and beauty)
* Polsat Sport Extra
* TV4

Grupa ITI ("International Trading and Investments Holdings SA Luxembourg")
* TVN Siedem
* TVN24 (24/7 news channel)
* TVN Style (channel aimed at women)
* TVN Turbo (cars)
* TVN Meteo (weather)
* iTVN (for Poles abroad)
* TVN Gra (game shows)
* TVN Med (private channel not available to general public)
* TVN Lingua (ESL for Polish audience)
* nSport (HDTV)
* (religion)

Polcast Television
*Tele 5
*Polonia 1

Minor players and joint-ventures:
* CNBC-TVN Biznes (bussiness channel run together with CNBC Europe)
* TVN Discovery Historia (history and documentaries)
* TV Puls (35% owned by News Corporation)
* TV Trwam (catholic channel; owner Lux Veritatis Foundation)
* PodróżeTV (Britain licensed travel channel)
* Mango24 (shopping)
* iTV (interactive tv)
* (interactive music; 4fun Media S.A. owned by Nova Holding Ltd., London)
* many local city and community cable stations

Many major players are also present on the market, among them:
Canal+ Polska, Canal+ Sport, Canal+ Film, Canal+ Sport2, HBO, HBO2, EuroSport, EuroSport2, Discovery Channel, Discovery Travel & Living, Discovery Science, Discovery Civilisation, MTV Poland ,VIVA Poland, VH1 Poland

Digital TV platforms (all private)

* Cyfra+ (owned by Canal Plus Cyfrowy)
* Cyfrowy Polsat (owned by Polsat Cyfrowy stock company)
* n (owned by ITI Group)

Radio stations

Polskie Radio (public broadcaster)

* Program 1 (aka Jedynka)
* Program 2 (aka Dwójka)
* Program 3 (aka Trójka)
* Polskie Radio BIS
* Radio Parlament
* Radio Polonia
* 17 regional stations of Polskie Radio

Privately owned stations

* Broker FM group: RMF FM (nationwide) , RMF Classic (classical music), RMF MAXXX (dance and rap music)
* Eurozet group: Radio Zet (nationwide) , Antyradio (rock music), Planeta FM (club music - in 2007 fusion with Radiostacja), Radio Plus (soft pop music)
* Agora group: TOK FM (news and commentary), Zlote Przeboje (oldies), Roxy FM (soft rock music)
* Time group: Radio Eska and Hit FM (pop and dance music), Eska Rock (rock music), VOX FM (oldies), GOLD FM (oldies),
* Radio WAWA (polish music)
* Radio Maryja (religious, conservative, political)
* local radio stations

Polish radio stations in other countries

* Polskie Radio Londyn
* Radio ORLA Londyn, Radio ORLA Dublin []

Press (all private)

Daily papers

* Gazeta Wyborcza (centrist to centre-left)
* Rzeczpospolita (centrist to centre-right)
* Dziennik Polska-Europa-Świat (centrist to centre-right)
* Fakt (tabloid)
* Super Express (tabloid)
* Nasz Dziennik (catholic, right-wing)
* Trybuna (left-wing)

Weekly magazines

* Polityka (centre-left)
* Newsweek (Polish edition, centrist to right-wing)
* Wprost (centre-right)
* Przekrój (centrist)
* Przegląd (left-wing)
* Nie (extremely left-wing)
* Gazeta Polska (right-wing)
* Najwyższy Czas! (extremely right-wing - libertarian)
* Tygodnik Powszechny (Catholic socio-cultural weekly)
* Niedziela (Catholic weekly)
* Gość Niedzielny (Catholic weekly)
* Polish Express (polish weekly newspaper published in the uk)
* Goniec Polski/The Polish Times (magazine for Poles in the UK)
* Angora (Polish and world press review)
* Forum (world press review, rather centrist to left-wing)
* The Polak (polish weekly magazine devoted to Poles in the UK)

Monthly magazines

* Metropolia (Business)
* Krakow Post (Monthly newzine in English)

See also

* List of Polish language television channels
* List of Polish language radio stations
* List of Polish newspapers

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