- Precious Pupp
"Precious Pupp" is an animated cartoon produced by
Hanna-Barbera and first broadcast as part of "The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show " on October 2, 1965.Plot
The cartoon featured a dog called Precious Pupp and his owner, Granny Sweet. Precious was a clever, yet non-speaking dog (who chuckles in a "wheezing laugh" almost exactly like
Muttley , a character introduced three years later) that always outsmarts his enemies.Twenty-seven episodes were produced.
# Precious Jewels
# Doggone Dognapper
# Bites and Gripes
# Queen of the Road
# Crook Out Cook Out
# Next of Kin
# Bowling Pinned
# Poodle Pandemonium
# Dog Tracks
# Sub-Marooned
# Lady Bugged
# Test in the West
# Bones And Groans
# Girl Whirl
# Butterfly Nut
# Precious Bone
# The Bird Watcher
# Dog Trained
# Oliver Twisted
# Pup Skip and Jump
# A Grapple for the Teacher
# Pot Time Work
# A Fiend In Need
# Ski Sickness
# Mascot Massacre
# A.M. MayhemCast
Don Messick - Precious Pupp
*Janet Waldo - Granny Sweet"Precious Pupp" in other languages
Brazilian Portuguese : "Precioso"
* Spanish: "Lindo Pulgoso"
* French: "Charlemagne"
* German: "Poldi"
* Hungarian: "Cukorfalat"
* Turkish: "Değerli"Later Appearances
* Granny Sweet later made an appearance in the "
Yo Yogi! " episode "Super Duper Snag" voiced by Kath Soucie.External links
*imdb title|0303512
* [http://www.toonopedia.com/precious.htm "Precious Pupp'] atToonopedia
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.