Neutral ground

Neutral ground

Neutral Ground may refer to:

  • A No Man's Land
  • The 30-mile-wide stretch of land between the British troops occupying New York City during the American Revolution and American-held territory in northern Westchester County, New York;[1]
  • Neutral Ground (Louisiana), a no man's land between Spanish Texas and American Louisiana in the early 19th century
  • A central reservation, or median strip, the area that separates opposing lanes of traffic in divided highways, especially in New Orleans
  • Property/Land/Country on which two parties meet, yet that is indifferent towards them. Sometimes with a present local/indigenous third party being called upon as negotiator.


  1. ^ Burrows, Edwin G. and Wallace, Mike. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. p.246 ISBN 0-965-068537

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  • neutral ground — n. Louisiana & Southern Mississippi 1) See MEDIAN(Cf. ↑median). 2) The grass strip, often planted with shade trees, between a sidewalk and a street. Word History: The term neutral ground originates in the 1800s in New Orleans, when Anglophone… …   Word Histories

  • Neutral Ground (Louisiana) — For other uses, see No Man s Land (disambiguation). The Neutral Ground The Neutral Ground (also known as the Neutral Strip, the Neutral Territory, and the No Man s Land of Louisiana; sometimes anachronistically referred to as the Sabine Free… …   Wikipedia

  • neutral ground — Gulf States. 1. a median strip on a highway or boulevard, esp. one planted with grass. 2. the strip of grass between a street and sidewalk. [1815 25, Amer., for an earlier sense] * * * …   Universalium

  • neutral ground — Gulf States. 1. a median strip on a highway or boulevard, esp. one planted with grass. 2. the strip of grass between a street and sidewalk. [1815 25, Amer., for an earlier sense] …   Useful english dictionary

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