- Kogaionidae
name = Kogaionidae
status = Fossil
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Multituberculata
familia =Kogaionidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision =
* "Kogaionon"
* "Barbatodon "
* "Hainina "Kogaionidae is a family of
fossil mammals within the extinct orderMultituberculata . Representatives are known from the upperCretaceous and thePaleocene ofEurope . This family is part of thesuborder Cimolodonta . Other than that, their systematic relationships are hard to define.These small multituberculates were named by Rădulescu R. and Samson P. in 1996, who stated they :"Share with
Taeniolabidoidea the general shape of the skull, with anterior part ofzygomatic arch es directed roughly transversely and very short basicranial region, which gives the skull a square-like appearance, but differ from them in having a strongly elongated snout and different dentition," (Kielan-Jaworowska & Hurum 2001, p.418).References
* Rădulescu and Samson (1996), "The first multituberculate skull from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Europe (Hateg Basin, Romania)". "Anuarul Institutului de Geologie al României, Supplement 1" 69, p.177-178.
* Kielan-Jaworowska Z & Hurum JH (2001), "Phylogeny and Systematics of multituberculate mammals". "Paleontology" 44, p.389-429.
* Much of this information has been derived from [http://home.arcor.de/ktdykes/cimolod.htm] MESOZOIC MAMMALS: "basal"Cimolodonta ,Cimolomyidae , Boffiidae and Kogaionidae, an Internet directory.
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