Back mount

Back mount

Back mount or rear mount is a dominant ground grappling position where one combatant is behind the other in such a way that he or she is controlling the combatant in front. Typically, the combatant in the inferior position is lying face-down, while the other combatant is sitting or lying on top. This is a very dominant, if not the most dominant position, since the top combatant can attack with strikes without the bottom combatant being able to see or defend.

Attacking from the back mount

To prevent the opponent from escaping the back mount, it needs to be stabilized. This is usually done by hooking the legs on the inside of the opponent's legs, and grabbing hold around the opponent's neck or arms to mantain chest to back contest. Such a position is very difficult to escape from - the opponent can try to roll, but the leg-hooks and chest to back contact will allow user to roll with the opponent. The combatant that has the back mount is in a very advantageous position. He can strike with punches, elbows and headbutts, or alternatively attempt a rear naked choke, various collar-chokes as well as Armbars.

Escaping the back mount

It is nearly impossible to attack an opponent who is mounted directly behind one's back. If the opponent does not have the legs hooked or chest to back contact, it is possible to roll into the mount; although this does not improve the positioning much, it is at least possible to see and block the opponent's strikes from the mounted position. If the opponent has the legs hooked in, those hooks need to be removed, for instance by pulling them out using the arms. Once they have been removed, there is an increase in mobility, making it possible to wriggle into the mount, or try to turn and entangle a leg into a half guard. Using the arms to pull out the hooks, however, leaves one's neck open to the rear naked choke. There are effective positional methods of escaping the back mount. []

To remove chest to back contact, the mounted opponent can grab an attacker's wrist with two hands and move it over his head to the other side. If the mounted opponent is much larger/stronger than the mounting fighter, he may actually be able to stand up and slam his opponent into a nearby wall or fall backwards onto his back (and opponent). Doing this with enough force may knock the wind out of the dominant opponent, or at least enable one to break free.

Another standard escape involves the mounted opponent touching his head to the ground to temporarily prevent against a choke while also attempting to roll into the dominant opponent's guard. Alternatively, while basing with the head on the ground, the mounted opponent can use his/her legs or arms to remove on of the hooks to make rolling into the guard easier.

If the mounting opponent has their ankles crossed while holding the rear mount (similar to the positioning in closed guard), the opponent being mounted can use a "Figure 4" leglock to apply a submission against the dominant fighter. This can result in a tapout or possible injury, depending on the circumstances (see back mount escape in Okuri-Eri-Jime or [] ). Generally, opponents skilled in groundfighting will not cross their ankles or cross them long enough to allow this to happen.

ee also

* Guard
* Half guard
* Knee-on-stomach
* Mount
* North-south position
* Side control


* Gracie; Renzo, Gracie, Royler; Peligro, Kid; Danaher, John (2001). "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and technique". Invisible Cities Press. ISBN 1-931229-08-2.
* Løvstad, Jakob. [ The Mixed Martial Arts Primer] . "". URL last accessed March 6 2006. (DOC format)
* Page, Nicky. [ Groundfighting 101] . "". URL last accessed March 4 2006.

External links

* [ Tutorials on techniques from the back mount]
* [ Escape from the Back 1]

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