

The sone was proposed as a unit of perceived loudness by S. Smith Stevens in 1936. In acoustics, loudness is the subjective perception of sound pressure. Although defined by Stevens as a unit, it is not one of the SI units. Such units meet the stringent criteria of metrology, which include being realizable in a highly precise and reproducible manner, and so transferable for scientific and industrial purposes in a range of contexts.

According to Stevens' definition, the sone is equivalent to 40 phons, which is defined as the loudness level "N"L of a 1 kHz tone at 40 dB SPL. The number of sones to a phon was chosen so that a doubling of the number of sones sounds to the human ear like a doubling of the loudness,Fact|date=September 2007 which also corresponds to increasing the sound pressure level by approximately 10 dB, or increasing the mean square sound pressure by a factor 10 (since due to the major property of logarithms for any given sound pressure level L=10*log10(p2/p02) dB the following holds: L + 10 dB = L + 10*1 dB = L + 10*log10(10) dB = 10*log10(p2/p02) dB + 10*log10(10) dB = 10*log10((p2/p02) * 10) dB). At frequencies other than 1 kHz, the measurement in sones must be calibrated according to the frequency response of human hearing, which is a subjective process. The study of apparent loudness is included in the topic of psychoacoustics and employs methods of psychophysics.

To be fully precise, a measurement in sones must be specified in terms of the optional suffix G, which means that the loudness value is calculated from frequency groups, and by one of the two suffixes D (for direct field or free field) or R (for room field or diffuse field).

Examples of sound pressure, sound pressure levels, and loudness in sone



See also

*sound pressure level
*Stevens' power law
*Weber-Fechner law

External links

* [ Conversion: Loudness "N" (sones) to loudness level "L" (phons) and loudness level "L" (phons) to loudness "N" (sones)]

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